As I mentioned earlier in the week, I had the opportunity to participate in the founding meeting of Women for FUTURE. This group is building numerous facilities around Iraq, providing support for Iraqi families to build up a foundation of education and oragnization, promoting volunteerism and self-reliance to Iraqi communities. The even was held on Capitol hill and attended by numerous officials including Senator Bennett from Utah.
The first clip I want to show you is of Colleen Parkin, who's son was killed in Iraq in a Helicopter accident. Her words should remind all of us why we are in Iraq and why should fight to win. Colleen is introduced by one of the women delegates from Iraq.
Next, my wife and I performed for the event a song called "For Good" about reconcilation and the recognition that lives change other lives.
Lastly, the Iraqi Ambassador to the United States, Samir Sumaidaie, translates for one of the women delegates from Iraq. Her words are right in line with the appreciation of the Iraqi people.
Hearing the news that Former Senator Jim Talent is going to be Mitt Romney's Domestic Policy Czar is great. As a former intern on his campaign last summer, Talent ran a hard-fought campaign that discussed issues that faced Missourians and the nation. From discussing farm issues, highway funding, the military, and health care, Senator Talent possessed the ideas and the knowledge of these topics and if he was reelected again, would have been valuable in the Senate in proposing an getting legislation passed. Tough loss for Missouri and a huge gain for Romney. Now with this smart guy on his side, he can prepare for the tough policy battles that he will have between Sen. John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Sen. Sam Brownback, and the others in this ever growing primary. His experience in the Missouri Legislature, the U.S. Congress, and Senate will be valuable to Gov. Romney in knowing what and how to propose exciting new policies in his campaign and in convincing the American public that he is the right choice for President. All I have to say is that it is great news to hear that Jim Talent is joining the staff and I am already thinking if there is space for me to intern in his campaign over the summer!
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Hat Tip to HeavyM at Race42008 (HeavyM also put together the following chart.) The latest ARG poll shows these numbers:
McCain 27% (29) Rudy 20% (25) Romney 20% (9) Gingrich 11% (14) All others - below 1% Undecided 21% (17) (Numbers in Parenthesis are Dec. Poll Numbers)
What's intersting is that Romney shot up 11 percent while Guiliani loosing 5, McCain loosing 2 and Gingrich loosing 3 (total of 10 between the 3). Romney seems to draw evenly from all three. Most impressively is this is done with a few small meeting and not much else. Wait till the debates get going an Romney starts hitting the PR mode of his campaign.
Prediction: If Romney keeps this surge up for the next year, by next January he will be at 152% Way to go Romney!!
We all knew Hillary was up to no good with her failed socialist universal health care program. Now Hillary is stating she wants to seize the profits of oil companies and start a "strategic energy fund". I think she is slipping from her carefully crafted moderate position. This is good information for Mitt to have when he faces her in the general election. After all, Mitt is an extremely successful capitalist and instituted an innovative Republican style health care program in Massachusetts. For someone who claims to care about the common worker, Ms. Rodham is quite reckless with our economy and our jobs. Let's let Mitt handle our economy and health care instead.
Dave Burris is live blogging from the Repulican Study Conference in Baltimore.
Listen in to his exclusive interview with Tom Delay!
I'm here at the RSC meeting in Baltimore, and the first entrant into the press pit was former Majority Leader Tom DeLay. He talks about the future of conservatism in a Democrat-controlled Congress and about his new passion for blogging.
I wanted to get this up a lot sooner, but better late than never.
Romney was great at this event . . . not the most moving delivery I've heard from him, but solid and substantive. He had a great turnout and there was a great enthusiasm from those present.
I also met Romney's eldest son Tagg (who was named after one of Mitt's good friends at BYU). Very nice guy and impressive as well.
In the picture with me are my wife, my mother-in-law (visiting from Alabama), and my co-fellow at U Iowa, Jim Howard.
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If you are like me, you like Romney. If you are like me, you like The Office.
So Lets put the two together. I would like to see Romney make a guest cameo on The Office. It probably won't happen. If it did, I gaurentee you I would watch it.
Here are a couple of my scenes:
Diversity Day
Lazy Scranton
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According the the women I will see tonight... the future is very bright. The world would disagree.
Lead by former Iraqi Minister of State for Women Affairs, Dr. Azhar Al-Shakly,three delegates of Iraq's "Women for Future" are visiting with key leadership, including Senators Diane Feinstein, Robert Bennett, and Richard Durbin, as well as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, Karen Hughes, to discuss the contributions women are making in the rebuiliding of Iraq.
The group will also be honored at a special reception hosted by FUTURE (Families United Toward Universal Respect),, and the Iraqi Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Samir Sumaidaie, tonight on Capitol Hill. During the event, members of the delegation will share personal stories of courage, fortitude, organization, and self reliance.
My wife and I will be singing at the event I hope to have some video later tomorrow.
Ann Coulter- Tears apart both McCain and Guiliani. She really seems to knock Guiliani: "I think he's the only one not able to beat Hillary." I don't know if that's True or not but, that's a bold statement.
On Mitt she really purred out a "Yeeeessss" and he has a "proven ability to trick liberals into voting for him... He has a working knowledge of God." Her favoite of the top four. She said Gingrich is brilliant, but has missed his time- like 80's music.
O'Reilly than lastly asked "It looks like you are Mitt Romney Person?" Ann said, "Yes"
Notably- Romney said "Senator Brownback maybe more conservative on some issues than I am. I am what I am." Basically his point was that he does what he thinks is right on the issues, not trying to outdo anybody. Don't worry Mitt, when it comes to brownback, you don't have to try.
Doocy said "I had a very good afternoon with the Romney's."
The fox and friends crew than gives Romney some very good reviews. Romney promises after he announces he will come in and do the weather with Fox and Friends. That will be awesome. Here's a quick preview from Doocy this morning.
Ann, like Dinesh D'Souza and others, is an important conservative thinker who contributes immensely to public debate. She may be over the top sometimes, but I am not offended by people in our party with stronger views than me and frankly, I am not offended by Michael Moore. The nice thing about Republicans is that we can be who we are, we can accept when something is incorrect, and we do the right thing.
I'd like to introduce myself. I am Scott Allan of Scott Allan's World and I am honored to have been invited into My Man Mitt's Blogger Pool. I have included a picture of my beautiful family since I am nothing without them. I blog about anything that interests me including family, sports, news, technology, and entertainment with a strong emphasis on politics. Here is my post where I endorsed Mitt Romney on January 9, 2007.
I grew up in Massachusetts and voted for Romney when he ran a good race against Ted Kennedy. Growing up in Massachusetts and ending up a Republican is not an easy task. My father was a Reagan Republican and showed me the the virtues and benefits of conservatism, self-reliance, hard work, equal opportunity, capitalism, low taxes, and love of my country. I majored in Politics at Brandeis University and was probably one of three Republicans on campus. The experience was good as I was highly exposed to progressive liberalism which not only strengthened my conservative beliefs, but also gave me some perspective on how the other side thinks.
I moved to the more Republican friendly New Hampshire shortly before Romney was elected Governor of Massachusetts, but I followed the election and his term as Governor closely. I have since moved down to Birmingham, Alabama which I must say is quite different from the culture of Massachusetts. I love living here. It's very family oriented and people down here LOVE the United States of America as they should.
I hope to be able to contribute to this blog from time to time. For today, I just wanted to mention that Ann Coulter was on Hannity and ColmesO'Reilly last night and was giving her opinion on the Republican candidates. She got quite excited when Mitt Romney's name was mentioned. He is clearly her favorite at the moment. Besides his stance on the issues, she likes the fact that he is a conservative in a liberal state and can convince liberals to vote for him. The liberal media darling Barack Obama may be charismatic and attractive but so far he's one dimensional and he's no Mitt Romney. Not only is Romney highly charming, he also has an incredible resume of success. As I always say, the more you hear Mitt, the more you'll like him.
Frankly it makes no difference here at MMM, we are not in the buisness of discrimination. If Discrimination is what you want, try Joe Biden for President.
Try I don't think they're Mormon. Yet, they strangely support Mitt. You just don't seem to understand how that is possible, do you? You're like those women from South Carolina. Romney's religion was just too different for them to support his candidacy.
Hello! This isn't about religion. It's about the best guy for the job.
Romney will eventually convince enough people of all faiths (and some w/o faiths) that he will be the best leader. His Mormon faith will not be the obstacle you think it is.
Mitt will win and affect enormous positive changes in this country. He'll do these things not because he's Mormon, but because he's Mitt Romney: a wonderful leader w/ an incredicle set of skills. Even you will benefit as a result! What unthinkable, even heretical thoughts!
A lightning tour through Iowa, South Carolina and Florida highlights the force that is Mitt Romney. Listen online below or download the file for your listening pleasure. We discuss a post from Evangelicals for Mitt, David Brody, and more...
Traveling with his son Craig, Romney will make Granite State stops at a hospital, a farm, a general store and a steel mill on the heels of a recent poll that shows him trailing Giuliani in the New Hampshire primary by 12 percentage points.
Twelve points isn't a huge gap a year out with a candidate who has the name ID of Romney.
Republican state Representative Gloria Haskins, a graduate of Bob Jones University, said she's not likely to support a Mormon whose beliefs she considers "contrary" to her Christian faith.
(I've never liked theocrats per se but even I didn't think people were that brazen about it!)
The race for presidential cash in its infancy, Sen. John McCain reported Wednesday he had collected $1.7 million in his campaign's first few weeks while Republican rival Rudy Giuliani's early take was $1.4 million.
NOTE: These are from 2006. Romney wasn't required to report for 2006
Endorsements won't get the next president of the United States elected, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said Tuesday. And that's why, the 2008 Republican presidential candidate said, he is pursuing a campaign of grass-roots politics that attracts voters, not necessarily their elected officials.
Still, it seems that the Republican Party has an opening for a conservative alternative to fill. National Review's Kate O'Beirne believes the GOP always ends up nominating the most "electable conservative" -- not just someone perceived as the "most electable" (e.g., McCain). But lately, Romney has become the candidate attempting to carve out the "electable conservative" niche with what some might label "born-again conservatism."
Fox News' Fred Barnes: "The candidate who's done the best among conservatives, I think, is Mitt Romney so far." (Fox News' "Special Report," 1/30/07)
ABC's Matthew Stuart: The Candidate With The "Buzz" Is Governor Mitt Romney. "One of the up-and-coming presidential candidates made a significant first trip to Iowa since throwing a hat into the increasingly crowded ring. As the candidate spent the day talking with Hawkeyes fans from Waterloo to Dubuque while campaigning at sports bars, making the mandatory ethanol factory visit, and shaking countless hands in between, one thing became clear: This candidate has buzz. Does this sound like Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.? Wrong. Try former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney." (Matthew Stuart, "The Surprise Hit Candidate In Iowa," ABC News, 1/29/07)
ABC's Terry Moran: "There's Clearly A Lot Of Buzz Around This Guy Right Now." "So after spending a long day campaigning in Iowa with Mitt Romney, I was struck by a couple of things: First, the number of people who came out to see him even now, a full year before the caucuses. There were a couple hundred people in both Waterloo and Dubuque - for a candidate with low name recognition at this point in the race. There's clearly a lot of buzz around this guy right now." (Terry Moran's Blog, "Mitt Romney: The Interview,", 1/29/07)
-Moran: Governor Romney Is "personable, polite, cheerful, nice all the time, it seems." (ABC's "Nightline," 1/29/07)
- Moran: "But a lot of people think Mitt Romney is going to be a formidable candidate. He's got the money, the skills, the looks, and the track record that might appeal to a lot of Republicans." (ABC's "Nightline," 1/29/07)
Conservative Radio Host Mike Gallagher: "I've interviewed Mitt Romney a number of times. I like his ideology, he's right on the issues." (Fox News' "Fox Online," 1/30/07)
The Washington Post's Shailagh Murray: "But watch out for Mitt Romney. He is proving himself to be a patient and focused candidate, and he started laying the groundwork for this a long time ago. ... I expect he'll have a strong start this first quarter, which could snowball into who-knows-what." (The Washington Post's "Post Politics Hour,", 1/29/07)
Large Crowds Greet Governor Romney In Iowa And South Carolina:
ABC's Matthew Stuart: "Romney's Trip To Iowa Friday Gathered Hundreds Of Supporters In This Key Primary State." "While the New York senator ultimately garnered most of the headlines Monday morning, most noting her 'evil men' joke, Romney's trip to Iowa Friday gathered hundreds of supporters in this key primary state." (Matthew Stuart, "The Surprise Hit Candidate In Iowa," ABC News, 1/29/07)
- Stuart: "More Than 200" People Attend Event In Waterloo, Iowa. "Throughout the day, Romney presented himself as a personable, smart candidate, hoping to 'convince a few people that [he's] somebody who's worth giving a second look.' Stopping at Beck's Restaurant in Waterloo, the 'few people' turned out to be more than 200, and they didn't just come for the free food." (Matthew Stuart, "The Surprise Hit Candidate In Iowa," ABC News, 1/29/07)
The [Columbia, SC]State: GovernorRomney Greeted By "A Standing Room Only Crowd" In Columbia, South Carolina. "A standing room only crowd greeted presidential candidate Mitt Romney this morning at the Lizard's Thicket on Elmwood Avenue in Columbia. The former Massachusetts governor and Republican presidential hopeful worked the crowd as servers delivered steaming plates of eggs, grits and cinnamon apples to diners that found themselves surrounded by television cameras and photographers." (The State's "S.C. Politics Today," Blog, "Romney Campaigns At Columbia Lizard's Thicket,", 1/30/07)
Aiken [SC] Standard: "The Rotary Club of Aiken was standing room only Monday as former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said America needs to correct a few problems if it wants to remain the leader of the free world." (Philip Lord, "Presidential Bid Brings Romney To Aiken," Aiken [SC] Standard, 1/30/07)
Romney Exploratory Committee Building Strong State Organizations:
ABC's Terry Moran: "He's already assembled a top-flight campaign team. They managed to pack every event when we were with him. And he's done his homework on the issues." (ABC's "Nightline," 1/29/07)
Politico's Jonathan Martin: "...Romney is building a very solid Iowa team." (Jonathan Martin, The Politico's "Politics '08" Blog, "Mitt's Hawkeye For Talent,", 1/30/07)
The AssociatedPress: Romney Picks Up "Key Endorsements" In South Carolina. "On a cold winter day that made it seem more like New Hampshire than South Carolina, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney picked up three key endorsements Monday in the state with the first southern presidential primary. ... He was endorsed by former Gov. Jim Edwards, the first Republican elected governor in South Carolina since Reconstruction, former U.S. Rep. Tommy Hartnett and Republican National Committeewoman Cindy Costa." (Bruce Smith, "Romney Campaigns In SC With Sen. DeMint," The Associated Press, 1/29/07)
Detroit Free Press : "Romney, whose late father, George, was Michigan's governor in the 1960s, has developed a formidable Michigan organization. His team includes top fund-raisers, members of Congress and about 50 legislators." (Dawson Bell and Chris Christoff, "Pace For '08 Race Quickens In State," Detroit Free Press, 1/26/07)
St. Petersburg Times: Governor Mitt Romney "Is Far And Away Ahead In Organizing In Florida." "He may be little known across Florida, but presidential candidate Mitt Romney of Massachusetts is far and away ahead in organizing in Florida. He hired some of the top political operatives, already has a regional field staff up and running, and was the only Republican to have any kind of presence at the Republican Party's quarterly meeting at Disney Friday and Saturday. One of his sons, Josh Romney, schmoozed the crowd, dotted with Romney '08 stickers." (Adam C. Smith, "7 Voters Save Crist From Political Embarrassment," St. Petersburg Times, 1/28/07)
- The Miami Herald: "The Romney Team Held A Full-Court Press" At The Florida Republican Convention. "The Romney team held a full-court press. They invited activists to a hospitality suite and brought the son to meetings with party leaders from every county - all of whom would vote in a straw poll. At the Friday night reception, former party chairman Al Cardenas and U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney walked him on stage." (Beth Reinhard, "GOP Elects Crist Ally As Leader," The Miami Herald, 1/28/07)
We've taken pains to repurpose videos from the NRI Summit and upload them in sections to YouTube. As some reports have noted, there is a battle afoot on various social websites to overwhelm candidates with negative videos.
A good part of our efforts at are geared to win that battle. So, if you would, take a moment and view the videos below, add the channel to your subscriptions, leave comments, and rate them! Thanks.
(Drats!! Me pockets are empty! Can ye lone me 6.5 pennies!)
From the Chicago Tribunes Swamp:
Romney raids McCain piggy bank Posted by Mark Silva at 7:11 am CST
In that money primary, the one where a realistic candidate for president hopes to have $50 million banked by the start of January's primary elections and caucuses, Republican Mitt Romney is conceding nothing to Arizona Sen. John McCain on the senator's home turf.
Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, has assembled an Arizona fundraising team.
Romney's "Finance Steering Committee'' in Arizona, which held its first meeting last week, will help him "raise the resources need to campaign in Arizona and across the nation,'' his campaign says today.
"The team we have put together in Arizona is a collection of some of the state's best, most energetic and most committed leaders,'' Romney says in a prepared statement. "With their help, I know our vision for the future will be heard loudly in Arizona.''
Next comes a round of endorsements from Arizonans, promises Romney, who probably will face McCain, a heavily organized and popular longtime senator from Arizona who waged a strong campaign for the Republican Party's nomination for president in 2000, in the '08 primaries.
For now, this is Team Romney-Arizona:
Co-chairs, Paul And Susan Gilbert:. He is co-founder of the Beus Gilbert Law Firm in Scottsdale.. They recently helped Romney make a $6.5 million fundraising "National Call Day" in Boston.
Co-chair, Lee Hanley, chairman of Vestar, a developer and manager of large scale retail shopping centers. Hanley has served on a wide variety of civic and charitable boards in the Phoenix area.
Co-chair, Kevin DeMenna, who served as finance chairman for Arizona's 2002 Republican gubernatorial nominee. Last Friday, the Arizona State Republican Party gave him its Harry Rosenzweig Award for being the state's top Republican fundraiser.
Co-chair, Harry Cavanagh, founder of the O'Connor Cavanagh Law Firm.
Co-chair, Wil Cardon, president & CEO of The Cardon Group, a real estate company.
State Finance Director, Corinne Lovas, a political fundraiser in Arizona and the Southwest who has seved Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and President Bush's 2004 re-election campaign.
"I don't think that I could see someone who is a member of a faith so contrary to my faith having my support," said state Rep. Gloria Haskins. Haskins is backing Sen. John McCain of Arizona, as are a number of key lawmakers.
McCain has been playing on the Mormon train for quite a while. It was a supporter of his who ambushed Romney with Doctrinal questions not too long ago. This of course seem redundantly hypocritical. On one hand McCain plays the Anti-Mormon card in South Carolina, yet he has taken great pains to run a Mormon coup as seen with Utah Governor Huntsman and Atty. General Shurtleff.
At some point Johnny, you will have to explain to your huge community of home town Mormons your need to use 'em and loose 'em. What will come of this? Probably more of things like this.
Thanks to Dave I have this quote to add from Cindy Mostellar, the lady I previously mentioned who attacked Romney's religion last year.
Yesterday, Charleston County GOP chairwoman Cyndi Mosteller, a Baptist, said, "The question is: Does Governor Romney support Joseph Smith's doctrines? We as evangelicals don't believe we can go in and change Paul's doctrine. I don't see how you move around this."
No need to hide your feelings Cindy, just say what you think about Mormons.
I don't know what to say to someone who says, "I don't think that I could see someone who is a member of a faith so contrary to my faith having my support." What would you guys say to her? If Mormons are too stupid to be in politics, should they be allowed in the military? Should they be allowed in Business? If they are too stupid to be in government, do you want to hire stupid people in your business?
I separate Romney's religion from his politics. In politics, the specifics of his faith have no bearing on his worth as a candidate. Remember Kennedy? McCain and his minions would have you believe otherwise. Hence, the quotes.
However, I argue that values and a moral compass matter. And many faiths help one develop a sound moral compass--even the Mormon Church. Those two women--Haskins and Mosteller--struggle with such an understanding of religion in politics. They play by the old-boys' club rules. In effect, they say, "Your Mormon views are intolerable, so no votes for you."
In contrast, Mitt's supporters at Evangelicals for Mitt know when religion is important. What Mitt chooses to believe about Joseph Smith and other dogmas is a personal matter, and won't influence him politically. These women and others need a little education.
my email to Rep. Gloria Haskins of South Carolina:
to: date: Jan 31, 2007 5:50 PM subject: no religious test for the presidency?
Rep. Haskins,
I've been following both McCain and Romney closely, and ran into your quote in the Boston Globe. I'd think you'd be experienced enough to keep these thoughts private. To oppose Romney on religious grounds alone is unbelievable. What a poor example of leadership!
At least raise other objections to cover your concerns for his religion. Oppose past Romney positions if you must, but his faith? Geez! The United States can handle someone who has an oustide-the-mainstream religion if he/she is the best. On religious grounds you have defined Mitt Romney as an intolerable candidate. The specifics of his religion have no bearing in politics. His morality and leadership are paramount. Your quote and old-boys' club religious mentality is deplorable.
"I don't think that I could see someone who is a member of a faith so contrary to my faith having my support," said state Rep. Gloria Haskins.
Dr. Richard Land (of the Southern Baptist Convention) gets it when he says, 'We're not electing Mitt Romney as pastor in chief."
For all of you who say that Mitt Romney's religion should play no part in how he is perceived as a candidate, I wonder how it would play out for you if a Wiccan or other Pagan were running? Would you hold yourself to the same principle then? I somehow doubt it.
Mitt Romney hopes that the endorsement of the ABM Caucus will propel him to the White House. ABM, in this case, does not stand for “Anti-Ballistic Missiles,” but rather “Anyone But McCain.”.... What these endorsements have in common is that they come from a substantial group of House Republicans who have long disliked John McCain.
The president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, on the other hand, is not worried. "A successful conservative movement accepts converts one direction, one time, cheerfully," he said, noting that Mr. Romney's adoption of the social conservative issue set is an example of one direction, one time conversion.
David Brody over at CBN has been covering the presidential race at his blog The Brody File.
Some interesting posts:
An interview with one of McCains top advisors in Iowa
What McCain operatives are going to do is push his 20 year record where they will show how he's been solidly pro-life, strong on the war on terror and tough on wasteful spending. As for the marriage issue, this is the thinking within the campaign. They'll say he's a federalist at heart, that he believes in states to decide the marriage issue. They will point out how he has been principled on this issue and that the framers would want this to be a states only issue anyhow. But, having said that, his campaign will make the case that McCain would support a constitutional marriage amendment if certain conditions were present. For example, this is what McCain said a little more than a year ago.
Still, according to one prominent Evangelical leader (truly a mover and a shaker) that I just heard from, this person tells me:
"Mike is a wonderful guy. I am personally friends with him. Having said that, the nature of the global issues facing the next President are such that a unique skill set is needed. One that includes broad international experience. I am not sure Mike has the experience. I think he is a serios threat to Sam. Much more so than to Mitt."
Life News interviewed Bopp on his endorsement of Romney today:
Saying that former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush were converts to as well, Bopp told that the pro-life community "needs to be open to those who have a sincere conversion to the pro-life cause."
"When he was Governor and scientists were attempting to persuade him to support government funding of embryonic stem cell research, they said that there was no moral issue, because they destroy the embryos after 14 days," Bopp explained. "This hit him hard, how Roe v. Wade had cheapened life, and he publicly announced that he wanted to be considered pro-life."
He said a specific life-changing experience like Romney's is "persuasive."
Bopp also indicated that Romney's subsequent actions have affirmed his newfound pro-life stance.
"He vetoed the bill on embryonic stem cell research and some other efforts to liberalize the Massachusetts abortion law," Bopp said.
Ultimately, Bopp told that a frank discussion of pro-life issues persuaded him.
"I have meet with him personally, discussed these issues with him and am satisfied that his pro-life position is sincere," he concluded.
The Wall Street Journal today highlighted the unique and savvy approach that the Romney camp utilized to start early fundraising before Mitt launched his committee. I put this forward unabashedly because I consider political donations to be a form of free speech.
I'm not alone in this belief. Indeed, one of the great sources of angst that I and many other conservatives have with Senator McCain is the McCain-Feingold disaster.
Back to Romney. The article begins:
Federal law limits how much money individuals can give to presidential candidates -- $2,300 per election. But what about Compuware Inc. founder Peter Karmanos? Last year, he gave $250,000 to presidential aspirant and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Since 2004, 15 other Romney backers have sunk at least $100,000 each into the Republican's coffers, sometimes with a series of checks issued on a single day.
Shocker! People donated money legally, efficiently and to the maximum amount allowed. How did they do this?
Because he doesn't hold federal office, Mr. Romney became subject to the federal rules only after he set up a presidential exploratory committee earlier this month. Until then, his team took advantage of a little-noticed gap between federal and state law. While most states limit political donations, about a dozen don't. Mr. Romney's political team set up fund-raising committees in three of those: Michigan, Iowa and Alabama. During that time, his political action committees raised $7 million.
As a result, Mr. Romney was able to hit the ground running, a big advantage in what has already become a feverish race. A week after announcing his possible bid, having already taken care of basic campaign logistics such as hiring and office space, the former governor held a Boston fund-raiser that netted $6.5 million in pledges. Mr. Romney also used the cash to build a broad network of financial backers and grass-roots allies.
Again, put yourself in the shoes of any campaign leader and ask: "what should I do to best the competition?" Oh, I know, raise legal funds among my grassroots state supporters and organizations to ramp up efforts moving into the 2007 political season. Here's a quick graphic they provided:
But wait, is this illegal. No, and it isn't even that new:
Like Mr. Romney, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack has a nonfederal committee, which collected more than $500,000 from labor unions before he became a Democratic presidential candidate. The 2002 campaign-finance law forbids such contributions to federal politicians or anyone who has officially opened a committee exploring a run for federal office. Mr. Vilsack, like Mr. Romney, isn't a federal office holder.
Ditto former New York Gov. George Pataki, who has a $100,000 backer, Patrick E. Malloy III, a Sag Harbor developer. Mr. Malloy's September donation to the Iowa arm of Mr. Pataki's 21st Century Freedom PAC makes up nearly half the contributions to the state account, according to the latest reports filed just before the November elections.
So, let me get this straight, Romney's experienced team of advisers developed a way to raise funds legally to support potential efforts by raising money at the state level bypassing arcane and incumbent-focused federal laws that were put in place by his competitor, Senator McCain.
This is not only smart campaigning but also a well-deserved shot across McCain's bow. Once again, to cite Hugh Hewitt, he's a great American, a lousy Senator and a terrible Republican. Vote Romney IMHO.
As Newt Gingrich pointed out: "The McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law enacted in 2002 is an equally dangerous modern-day assault on the First Amendment. It could more accurately be called the McCain-Feingold censorship law because it stifles political speech, protects incumbent politicians and consolidates power in Washington. This law is of the Congress, by the Congress, and for the Congress, because it protects members of Congress by silencing opposing points of view.... McCain-Feingold explicitly rejects James Madison’s warning in Federalist 10 that the destruction of liberty in pursuit of “curing the mischief of factions” is worse than the disease itself."
Today the Romney Campaign announced that James Bopp, Jr. Esq., has endorsed Mitt Romney for President and that he will serve as a special adviser on Life issues.
This is a major pickup for Romney. Let's take a look at it:
General Counsel to National Right to Life Committee (1978-present)
General Counsel to James Madison Center for Free Speech(1994-present
Special Counsel to Focus on the Family(2004 - present)
President of National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled, Inc(1984-present)
Practice area: Constitutional Law; Civil Litigation; Non-Profit Corporations Law; Election and Campaign Finance Law; Civil Appeals; Administrative Agency Practice
RNC member
This is important on two levels. First, James Bopp is a trusted figure in the Pro-life movement. Hundreds, if not thousands of local pro-life leaders have used James Bopps legal memos in their activism. He has spoken at many pro-life events and conventions, including three that I've been at. This will go a long way in gaining the trust of the pro-life movement.
It is also important on another level. James Bopp is one of the leading opponents of Campaign Finance Reform Laws, or put another way: McCain-Feingold.
Members of the Republican Nat'l Committee passed on Thursday a strongly-worded resolution rebuking a signature accomplishment of their party's frontrunner, Sen. John McCain -- his Bipartisan Campaign Finance Act, known as McCain-Feingold.
The 13-paragraph resolution, sponsored by RNC member and campaign finance litigator James Bopp Jr, urges Congress to "adopt common sensereforms of BCRA"
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take another look at the federal ban on naming specific candidates in "issue ads" immediately before elections.
The ban, which applies 30 days before primaries and 60 days before general elections, is a key provision in the 2002 McCain-Feingold Act. The court upheld the act three years ago, when Sandra Day O'Connor was still an associate justice.
She has since retired and has been replaced by Samuel Alito.
Giuliani is completely unacceptable to Pro-Life issue voters. McCain, though, isn't as obvious in his threat to the Pro-Life movement. Romney's latest endorsement gives him a forceful, pro-life voice to remind the movement why McCain has been a threat to the movement.
It's a two-for-one deal for the Romney Campaign: burnishing Romney's pro-life credentials and tarnishing McCain's.
But none of this has stopped some of the Christian right's most influential power brokers from offering endorsements and strategic help, signaling that Romney is doing more than pandering on abortion and gay marriage. He’s on board to change the courts and their interpretation of the Constitution.
Jay Sekulow, the head of Pat Robertson’s American Center for Law and Justice (ALCJ) and one of the most prominent evangelical figures in the country, has placed his seal of approval on Romney and signed on to advise his campaign. Gary Marx, a former Bush campaign liaison to the evangelical community, is Romney’s Conservative Coalitions Director. Marx also heads up the Judicial Confirmation Network, which last year ran an ad ominously portraying "left-wing extremists" opposing the Alito Supreme Court nomination as supporting legal positions that were antithetical to "the real America."
You see, the "Mormon issue" is overblown. If you still need more evidence, I encourage you to visit Evangelicals for Mitt. What more can be said?
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Gov. Romney met appeared on last night's Nightline.
Here's the first part of the broadcast. It gives you a good take on what the world outside of bloggers and conservative pundits thinks about Mitt Romney
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"It struck me very powerfully at that point that the Roe v. Wade approach has so cheapened the value of human life that somebody could think it's not a moral issue to destroy embryos," Romney said.
Every decision I have made as governor in a very liberal state has been on the side of favoring life. We had four or five bills or provisions in bills that have reached my desk, and every time I have come down on the side of life.
Mr. Romney, who said he inherited a $3 billion deficit when he became governor of Massachusetts, said he balanced the state budget without raising taxes or increasing debt. Instead, he eliminated waste, inefficiency and duplicate services, he said.
With nearly 20,000 votes in, Governor Romney won the first round of the Pajamas Media Presidential Straw Poll with 26.2% of the vote, in comparison to Mayor Giuliani's 25.8% and Senator McCain's 5.1%.
This follows a trend of success with Governor Romney and online polls, whether they be nationwide, like the GOP Bloggers poll he recently won, or state-specific, the Governor has a huge online following.
Remember to vote early and often!
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This estate is about 8 miles from me through the woods. (GAG) It is getting tons of play here in Carolina. It is the LARGEST estate in North Carolina. Notice how he carved through those precious trees to place his estate. This guy is REALLY full of himself. He really thinks he's gonna be President and will require a large compound. PULLLEAZE! Anybody have that hair combing video available? He's probably got his own salon in there. Sorry to go on and on...this guy just really makes me want to throw up.
Romney was endorsed by former Governor Jim Edwards, the first Republican elected governor in South Carolina since Reconstruction. He also gained endorsements from former U-S Representative Tommy Hartnett and Republican National Committeewoman Cindy Costa.
NH Poll: Giuliani 33 McCain 32 Romney 21 Other 11 Undecided 3 From Boston's CBS 4:
...Mitt Romney up sharply over recent polling at 21 percent.For Romney, it's an early sign that his strategy of courting the right on social issues is paying off among GOP conservatives.And it leaves Giuliani and McCain facing the same fate as Edwards and Obama - they split the moderates, and Romney runs right through the hole they create.
Not a bad showing for Romney. This is a Survey USA poll of 412 Likely Republican Primary Voters and has a margin of error of +/- 4.9%
Democracy in Action has the most complete list of the staff & leadership working for the "Romney for President Exploratory Committee" that I've seen thus far. It also has a short background bio on most of the people listed.
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Alex Brunk (of 'Save the GOP') published an excellent blog entry [though I saw it only as a Facebook Note... perhaps it's also posted on the public web] which I read this morning, about Governor Mitt Romney. It focused mainly on the Life issue, and was quite unfavorable to the candidate.
I don't have a problem with not taking a No New Taxes pledge per-se, I don't think it's ever wise to say never, ever, under any circumstances, on something like that. I understand why Romney didn't, especially with such a hostile legislature.
The problem with Huckabee is that he actually did raise taxes for very dubious reasons, while Romney refused to raise them for reasons that could have even been justified.
Several Democratic political strategists say of the candidates now hoping for the 2008 Republican nomination, Romney is a fearsome contender. The good-looking businessman has charisma, a history of private sector experience and a golden platform on health care reform.
Since Election Day, the Democratic National Committee has issued 15 news releases slamming Romney - more than any other Republican eyeing the White House. Arizona Sen. John McCain, one of the frontrunners, was the subject of 11, while former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is polling at the head of the pack, felt heat from only one release.
On ex-MA Gov. Mitt Romney’s health care plan: “You have to give him credit for it. He was willing to step up and do something.” She said the SEIU would “love to here Mitt Romney talk about how he wants to expand” health care.
(James)Dobson seriously questioned whether a Mormon could be elected president of the United States. Wanting to make sure the word got out, the McCain campaign distributed Dobson’s comments to reporters.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — He’s riding Statehouse success on health-care reform and other issues and impressing analysts with staff and fund-raising. Will conservatives trust his convictions after apparent changes of position on abortion and gay rights?
Further, who's you man of MassResistance? Who's your conservative? No viable alternatives exist. Nope to McCain. Nope to Guliani. Yawn and big nope to Brownback ('94 convert to the pro-life movement). You just like taking potshots from a distance w/ no better choice.
You're right. Mitt is not a conervative. He's a conservative. And a fine one at that. In fact, he's of sufficient caliber to be selected by the committee that drew up the NRI CONSERVATIVE Summit program. And guess what? He was the CONSERVATIVE Summit's keynote speaker. They obviously believe he's more than a RINO. He's the best the conservative they've got. Get over it!
The topic of Romney's religion and his ability to remain independent is always a hot topi on the blogs. The Deseret News has an article on it today.
University of Utah Political Science Chairman Ron Hrebenar had these remarks:
Noting that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is not only LDS but a Democrat, he said there's no evidence the church has sought to dictate to him in any way, though he went against the church's public position in opposing a proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
"National observers often confuse (LDS voters') ideological homogeneity with direction from the LDS leadership. ... Because LDS voters tend to be conservative, there is the appearance of unanimity," Patterson said.
Reporters who have covered the Evangelical Christian view of religion and politics "apply that wholesale to the LDS experience, and it's not comparable," he said. "It's very different. You see instances of Christian Evangelicals taking positions in politics and being engaged in ways the LDS Church has not."
I have no real opinion of how true that is on the Evangelical side. I do find it hard to say it is the case 100% with Evangelicals since they do not have one leader and the Protestant movement as a whole is definitly a "GrassRoots" style religion.
But for those worried about an LDS influence I have quoted some important parts from the official LDS statement on church political neutrality:
Elected officials who are Latter-day Saints make their own decisions and may not necessarily be in agreement with one another or even with a publicly stated Church position. While the Church may communicate its views to them, as it may to any other elected official, it recognizes that these officials still must make their own choices based on their best judgment and with consideration of the constituencies whom they were elected to represent.(Emphasis added)
The Church does not:
-Endorse, promote or oppose political parties, candidates or platforms.
-Allow its church buildings, membership lists or other resources to be used for partisan political purposes.
-Attempt to direct its members as to which candidate or party they should give their votes to. This policy applies whether or not a candidate for office is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
-Attempt to direct or dictate to a government leader.
This is a pretty upfront and strong statement. Two overall points: 1) Romney does not speak for the LDS Church 2) The LDS Church does not expect anymore out of an LDS politician than an a non-LDS politician.
Now a request for all those who don't trust Romney based on his religion: Please show where Romney's religion has compromised his ability to govern. No one has ever come up with anything.
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