posted by jason | 10:03 AM |

Romney's visit in South Carolina had a not so surprising McCain/Anti-mormon moment.
In the
Boston Herald we read:
"I don't think that I could see someone who is a member of a faith so contrary to my faith having my support," said state Rep. Gloria Haskins. Haskins is backing Sen. John McCain of Arizona, as are a number of key lawmakers.
McCain has been playing on the Mormon train for quite a while. It was a supporter of his who
ambushed Romney with Doctrinal questions not too long ago. This of course seem redundantly hypocritical. On one hand McCain plays the Anti-Mormon card in South Carolina, yet he has taken great pains to run a Mormon coup as seen with Utah Governor Huntsman and Atty. General Shurtleff.
At some point Johnny, you will have to explain to your huge community of home town Mormons your need to use 'em and loose 'em. What will come of this? Probably more of things like
Thanks to Dave I have this
quote to add from Cindy Mostellar, the lady I previously mentioned who attacked Romney's religion last year.
Yesterday, Charleston County GOP chairwoman Cyndi Mosteller, a Baptist, said, "The question is: Does Governor Romney support Joseph Smith's doctrines? We as evangelicals don't believe we can go in and change Paul's doctrine. I don't see how you move around this."
No need to hide your feelings Cindy, just say what you think about Mormons.
Labels: Anti-mormon, LDS Mormon Romney, McCain, south carolina
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