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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
posted by jason | 10:03 AM | permalink
anti-mormon, gloria haskinsRomney's visit in South Carolina had a not so surprising McCain/Anti-mormon moment.

In the Boston Herald we read:
"I don't think that I could see someone who is a member of a faith so contrary to my faith having my support," said state Rep. Gloria Haskins. Haskins is backing Sen. John McCain of Arizona, as are a number of key lawmakers.
McCain has been playing on the Mormon train for quite a while. It was a supporter of his who ambushed Romney with Doctrinal questions not too long ago. This of course seem redundantly hypocritical. On one hand McCain plays the Anti-Mormon card in South Carolina, yet he has taken great pains to run a Mormon coup as seen with Utah Governor Huntsman and Atty. General Shurtleff.

At some point Johnny, you will have to explain to your huge community of home town Mormons your need to use 'em and loose 'em. What will come of this? Probably more of things like this.


Thanks to Dave I have this quote to add from Cindy Mostellar, the lady I previously mentioned who attacked Romney's religion last year.
Yesterday, Charleston County GOP chairwoman Cyndi Mosteller, a Baptist, said, "The question is: Does Governor Romney support Joseph Smith's doctrines? We as evangelicals don't believe we can go in and change Paul's doctrine. I don't see how you move around this."
No need to hide your feelings Cindy, just say what you think about Mormons.

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It's a wildly amazing coincidence that the people who have a problem with Romney's faith just happen to be McCain supporters.

here is her e-mail address:

I don't know what to say to someone who says, "I don't think that I could see someone who is a member of a faith so contrary to my faith having my support." What would you guys say to her? If Mormons are too stupid to be in politics, should they be allowed in the military? Should they be allowed in Business? If they are too stupid to be in government, do you want to hire stupid people in your business?

I separate Romney's religion from his politics. In politics, the specifics of his faith have no bearing on his worth as a candidate. Remember Kennedy? McCain and his minions would have you believe otherwise. Hence, the quotes.

However, I argue that values and a moral compass matter. And many faiths help one develop a sound moral compass--even the Mormon Church. Those two women--Haskins and Mosteller--struggle with such an understanding of religion in politics. They play by the old-boys' club rules. In effect, they say, "Your Mormon views are intolerable, so no votes for you."

In contrast, Mitt's supporters at Evangelicals for Mitt know when religion is important. What Mitt chooses to believe about Joseph Smith and other dogmas is a personal matter, and won't influence him politically. These women and others need a little education.

my email to Rep. Gloria Haskins of South Carolina:

date: Jan 31, 2007 5:50 PM
subject: no religious test for the presidency?

Rep. Haskins,

I've been following both McCain and Romney closely, and ran into your quote in the Boston Globe. I'd think you'd be experienced enough to keep these thoughts private. To oppose Romney on religious grounds alone is unbelievable. What a poor example of leadership!

At least raise other objections to cover your concerns for his religion. Oppose past Romney positions if you must, but his faith? Geez! The United States can handle someone who has an oustide-the-mainstream religion if he/she is the best. On religious grounds you have defined Mitt Romney as an intolerable candidate. The specifics of his religion have no bearing in politics. His morality and leadership are paramount. Your quote and old-boys' club religious mentality is deplorable.

"I don't think that I could see someone who is a member of a faith so contrary to my faith having my support," said state Rep. Gloria Haskins.

Dr. Richard Land (of the Southern Baptist Convention) gets it when he says, 'We're not electing Mitt Romney as pastor in chief."



For all of you who say that Mitt Romney's religion should play no part in how he is perceived as a candidate, I wonder how it would play out for you if a Wiccan or other Pagan were running? Would you hold yourself to the same principle then? I somehow doubt it.

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