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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
posted by Ben Wren | 9:38 AM | permalink

ALSO: McCain on Global Warming

Mitt Romney hopes that the endorsement of the ABM Caucus will propel him to
the White House.
ABM, in this case, does not stand for “Anti-Ballistic Missiles,” but rather
“Anyone But McCain.”....
What these endorsements have in common is that they come from a substantial
group of House Republicans who have long disliked John McCain.

Includes Speaker of the Iowa State House
Romney as a convert to Reaganism.
Interesting quote:
The president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, on the other
hand, is not worried. "A successful conservative movement accepts converts one
direction, one time, cheerfully," he said, noting that Mr. Romney's adoption of
the social conservative issue set is an example of one direction, one time

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