OK, so a lot of Congressmen and women have already endorsed Mitt Romney's Presidential bid. The lists are long in fact.
However, today Mitt Romney's website sent out a press release detailing the endorsement of just one state representative in Iowa, Doug Struyk.
Normally, this would not be "press release" type material. However, not only is Iowa an important state, Council Bluffs is a major population center of Western Iowa ( where most social conservatives in the state reside). This is a big endorsement and bodes well for Romney among social conservatives here in Iowa.
And in further Iowa/Romney news:
Coverage of Romney's Iowa Announcment from the Krusty Konservative is available here and Caucus Cooler's coverage is here.
Another report from Iowa State Student Leslie Pralle at "Romney Report" is here. And more coverage from the Souix City Journal and the Des Moines Register (OK, that's probably overkill) Also, you can support Mitt in online polls if you feel so inclined. A list of those are here.
That fellow who attempted to embarrass Mitt is an utter imbecile. It's unimaginable that some professing to be a Christian himself would say such things to anyone else in such a setting. Mitt responded well and received a deserved applause.
I just love it when someone who is totally clueless tries to tell someone else what they do or do not believe. SOOOO much fun. As a Mormon from the deep south, I got this kind of crap alot. It's so ironic when someone more or less spits in your face, telling you that you are not a Christian with hateful venom dripping from their words. "And what, then, does your accusation make you?" was usually my response.
Mitt is so gracious and eloquent. I think people will see right through the bigots who will try, unsuccessfully, to damper his campaign.
This is by no means scientific but from the research I've done and the details I've gathered it appears that Romney has a serious edge in public endorsements (for what its worth). Yes its early in the campaign... but that's the point.
The tally: Romney 171; McCain 93; Rudy 16. These numbers were taken from official press releases and other public endorsements. We'll have a detailed list available on Tuesday.
Hey Justin, I think that this one posting by you is the most important thing posted anywhere this week about Romney -- Bar None! This graph and the number of endorsements by comparison says it all at this early stage. It says it all. No other polls or opinions matter. Those who know the top three candidates are voting with their feet and they are committing. FASCINATING. I have been looking for this information in one place for weeks now. YOU NAILED IT. You are spot on Justin. Thanks.
Justin, I would appreciate it if you would occassionally update this information. Best information on the GOP race out there in my opinion. Everything out there is basically speculation. These are facts with weight. "Just the facts" baby. Good work Justin.
There's been a good deal of controversy around Mitt's appearance on This Week this weekend and his explanation for voting for Tsongas in 1992. This is really a pithy issue.
Let's detail a few things here. (Many thanks for our man at MittBase for his detailed research on the issue)
First, there is nothing contradictory here. We have a report from two Boston Globe employees as to why Romney voted for someone 15 years ago. There is no direct quote.
Second, I bet if you asked Scott Lehigh, Frank Phillips, or Mitt Romney that those weren't the only reasons why Romney voted for Tsongas (the fact that Tsongas was from Massachusetts, and that he was better than Bill Clinton). Do you vote for someone because of only two issues? You might only give two issues, when you have limited time, but no one votes for a candidate because of only two issues.
Third, why don't we take Romney at his word. He voted for Paul Tsongas because he liked him better than Clinton, and that he didn't think that he would win the general election against Bush? Are these somehow mutually exclusive.
Fourth, the democrats and MSM is going to take everything Romney ever said 10 years ago, tell us it, and then say "however today he says..." blank. They are going to use this tactic weather it contradicted the previous statement or not. They will use this tactic every time Mitt Romney does not repeat his previous statement verbatim.
Lastly, there was NO GOP PRIMARY in 1992. There was only one place to vote. As one political guru told me "he does it all the time". One more thing. This also means Romney voted against Clinton twice!
Today in the US House a resolution was passed undercutting our military's heroic efforts in Iraq. Tomorrow in the Senate the same resolution will be debated, though not by John McCain.
I was disappointed to see that my Congressman, Republican Phil English(PA-3) , voted for this resolution. (More on my thoughts on him here)
I find it sad that English and the other supporters of this awful resolution, including 16 additional Republicans and all but 2 Democrats, failed to see the historical significance of their votes today.
Chief Deputy Whip Rep. Eric Cantor(R-VA) posted a video detailing this historical debate and its place in history. In case it goes off his website you can see it here on Redstate
The lessons of History must not be forgotten! -Eric Cantor on the Floor of the House
Observe the Lessons of History:
"The Summer Soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country..." ~Thomas Paine
Remember that in these grave days in the affairs of the world we need internal unity, national unity, for the sake of the nation. That is good advice and it never grows old. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
Alexander Hamilton said that A nation that prefers disgrace to danger is prepared for a master and deserves one. Now let's set the record straight: there's no argument over the choice between war and peace but there's only one guaranteed way you can have peace and you can have it this second: surrender. ~Ronald Reagan
Let's hope the Senate realizes this tomorrow.
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A Washington Post article today provides some insight into Jeb Bush's thinking on the 2008 Presidential Race.
From the article
"Governor Bush said, 'Before you commit, I want you to meet Mitt Romney. He is the kind of guy you will like no matter what,'" said former Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings. "The governor was very candid about the fact that he really liked this guy."
Well, I posted here yesterday but it never showed up, so that inspired me to write an essay about your site and campaign - I hope you it makes you think, as it is not an offensive essay at all:
I always have to preface any comment I make about McCain with these two statements:
John McCain is a great American. John McCain is not a great conservative.
Harry Reid has decided to pull a stunt to gather some press airtime over the weekend by scheduling a vote on Iraq on Saturday. Note: this is blatantly politically motivated. That being said... where is John McCain going to be on Saturday? Hazard a guess?
According to ABC here's what the rest of the field is going to be doing:
Hillary?: "...had planned to spend a full day in New Hampshire. Instead, she will host a town hall meeting in Dover, N.H., in the morning and then return to Washington to vote."
Joe Biden?: "...in Iowa on Friday and will return to Capitol Hill on Saturday. He will head back to Iowa after the vote to attend a dinner in Davenport."
Chris Dodd?: "...was supposed to be in South Carolina on Saturday, but his campaign was considering sending a surrogate."
Brownback?: "...had planned to be in Florida to attend the National Religious Broadcasters' convention but is cutting short his visit even though he doesn't plan to side with Reid."
Barack O?: "... will be able to fit the vote into his campaign schedule."
And how about John McCain? "...he plans to stick to his itinerary of three town hall meetings in Iowa, the early voting state in the primary process."
John will not be voting on the Iraq issue. It's no skin off my back John. Just more grist for my mill. But in all seriousness I wish he would show some muster and be a Republican Senator. Who knows... his vote might make all the difference for a few Senators. (It certainly would help his cause with conservatives)
Earlier in the week we launched the first of our online tools, an interactive issues chart. Today we get down to business with an easy to read and understand FAQ on the topics that people have questions about.
And get this: A USA Today poll released Wednesday shows that 24 percent of Americans would not vote for a Mormon (Romney), 30 percent would not vote for someone who has been married three times (Giuliani) and more than 40 percent would not vote for a “generally well-qualified person” for president who was 72 years old (McCain’s age by Election Day 2008).
Tuck that one away to pull out when you see people bashing Romney's chances because of his religion.
Jeff Fuller
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Tom Bevan at Realclearpolitics.com has some interesting observations on the Fox News Poll that was released today.
He points out the following numbers in the poll:
Are you more who are more or less likely to support a candidate who is a Mormon?
Republicans only: More likely 8% (a lot more likely 4%, somewhat more likely 4%) Less likely 30% (a lot less likely 19%, somewhat less likely 11%) Not a major factor 59%
Are you more who are more or less likely to support a candidate who has changed his or her position on the issue of abortion?
Republicans only: More likely 16% (a lot more likely 6%, somewhat more likely 10%) Less likely 28% (a lot less likely 16%, somewhat less likely 12%) Not a major factor 39%
He also Points out these numbers:
Are you more who are more or less likely to support a candidate who is pro-choice on the issue of abortion?
Republicans only: More likely 22% (a lot more likely 12%, somewhat more likely 10%) Less likely 46% (a lot less likely 36%, somewhat less likely 10%) Not a major factor 30%
Are you more who are more or less likely to support a candidate who supports civil unions for gays and lesbians?
Republicans only: More likely 8% (a lot more likely 5%, somewhat more likely 3%) Less likely 50% (a lot less likely 39%, somewhat less likely 11%) Not a major factor 38%
He draws the following from this:
Obviously, as a general proposition, the numbers show that between the two, Rudy has the more significant obstacles to overcome. But we already knew that.
More concerning for Giuliani is this:
The biggest red flag for Rudy has to be that only 42% of Republicans surveyed correctly identified him as pro-choice. Twenty-one percent of Republican voters have it wrong and think Rudy is pro-life, and another 36% of Republicans don't have a clue what his position on abortion
In other words there is room to strike here for Romney.
One red flag for me on these numbers is the following: These numbers are from a poll of registered voters not likely voters. The Difference? Likely voters are generally more informed because they have it in their mind they are going to vote while the larger pool of registered voters includes folks who registered at the DMV and haven't thought about the words Republican, Democrat or Government since. My point? The category 'Registered Voters' includes folks who are totally uninformed about the issues and the candidates and some of these folks are quite happy to remain ignorant of these issues.
At this stage of the game the national horse race polls aren't important but these internals are very interesting. The polls that do matter though are in New Hampshire and Iowa, where we are less than a year away from. Where the polls in these two states go so goes the media and the attention.
Mitt Romney is Bill Clinton with his pants up. And he’ll very likely be cast in 2008 (“nominated,” if you prefer the political science verb) against Clinton’s wife, who has all the seductive qualities of John Kerry in a pants suit.
Speaking of Bill, I've seen a story that says he has a new girlfriend (Canadian politician). Is there anything to this story?
Bill was full of potential, but sadly suffered from several personal ills. Mitt has managed to avoid these same same pathologies, and even exceeds Clinton in the talent and personality categories.
Mitt has nowhere near the personality draw that Bill Clinton does. He does not have the same charisma and charm. Mitt looks like a Stake President giving a talk on a sunday morning. He needs to loosen up a bit. BTW, I can't stand Bill Clinton. His 'charm' makes me sick, but there's no denying the sway he has over people. Mitt doesn't have that.
And where does "the Mitt" stand on the following: "Fundamental Mormons seek recognition for polygamy" Reuters News Release 6/11/07 "Polygamy, once hidden in the shadows of Utah and Arizona, is breaking into the open as fundamentalist Mormons push to decriminalize it on religious grounds, while at the same time stamping out abuses such as forced marriages of underage brides."
Mitt did well last night. It was brief, though. Bill asked him about liberal judges in Mass. letting child rapists off on rediculously short sentances and would he support Jessica's Law (an obvious "yes").
Then he went on to ask Mitt about a plan for Iraq, to which Mitt said that he supported the troop surge but that if we can't secure Bagdad in the next six months we'll have to regroup and find a workable solution. He had an excellent response, in that we need to bring home the troops as soon as possible, but not before we've at least secured the country; and that we should not leave if it means further autrocities and having to go back later and lose even more lives.
Lastly, Bill asked Mitt whether he felt that going to war was an acceptable course of action in keeping Iran from developing/keeping nuclear weaponry. Mitt wasn't exactly direct, but he said he would not take military action off the table if diplomatic measures did not work. He was his usual, brilliant, down-to-business, answer-for-every-question self.
P.S. Did anyone hear him on Hannity this week? How'd he do there?
You're doing a great job! I like the interactive issue map. One thing - when I scroll over taxes and spending, I'm not able to click on the links before they disappear.
Over half of the Republican Michigan Legislature is now endorsing Romney! From the Press Shop:
Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that eight members of the Michigan Senate and 34 members of the Michigan House of Representatives have endorsed his candidacy for President of the United States. Over half of the Republicans in the Michigan State Legislature are now supporting Governor Romney.
"The Republicans in the House and Senate are on the front line in the battle to promote conservative ideas in Michigan government," said Governor Romney. "I am proud to have so many of these distinguished leaders as part of my team, and I am humbled by their support."
The Michigan "Romney" Caucus comprises members of the Michigan Senate and House who are supporting Governor Romney for President. They will provide advice and counsel on critical issues facing Michigan and the nation.
There are 21 Republican senators and 52 Republican representatives in Michigan.
Members Of The Michigan Senate Endorsing Governor Romney For President:
Senator Cameron Brown
Senator Nancy Cassis
Senator Valde Garcia
Senator Jud Gilbert
Senator Roger Kahn
Senator Bruce Patterson
Senator Alan Sanborn
Senator Tony Stamas
Members Of The Michigan House Endorsing Governor Romney For President:
Rep. Craig DeRoche (Co-Chair)
Rep. Dan Acciavatti
Rep. Fran Amos
Rep. Dick Ball
Rep. Darwin Booher
Rep. Jack Brandenburg
Rep. Tom Casperson
Rep. Bruce Caswell
Rep. Bill Caul
Rep. John Garfield
Rep. Geoff Hansen
Rep. Dave Hildenbrand
Rep. Jack Hoogendyk
Rep. Ken Horn
Rep. Joe Hune
Rep. Rick Jones
Rep. Martin Knollenberg
Rep. Phil LaJoy
Rep. Jim Marleau
Rep. Kim Meltzer
Rep. Tim Moore
Rep. Chuck Moss
Rep. Neal Nitz
Rep. Paul Opsommer
Rep. Brian Palmer
Rep. Dave Palsrok
Rep. John Pastor
Rep. Phil Pavlov
Rep. Tom Pearce
Rep. Tonya Schuitmaker
Rep. Rick Shaffer
Rep. Fulton Sheen
Rep. John Stakoe
Rep. Howard Walker
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Mitt has himself some very solid names here out of the Michigan legislature. Being from Michigan I happen to know several of these legislators and Mitt defiantly has his foot in the door here in Michigan. Representatives Hoogendyk who is a former Gubernatorial candidate and possible US senate candidate in 2008,and former Speaker of the Michigan House and currently minority leader DeRoche, are surly going to be assets to the campaign here in Michigan. With senators Cassis and Garcia among the others, Mitt is defiantly in good shape here.
You may have seen the absurdly political hit-piece by the National Jewish Democratic Council on Mitt Romney this week. Serious commentators like Jonah Goldberg have made some appropriate comments but everyone admits the NJDC was out to purposely harm Romney a day before his announcement for the Presidential race.
Not to be outdone, Jennifer Rubin, writing for ABCNews online, levels her sites at Romney and the entire GOP and asks "why don't more Jewish people vote Republican?" She concludes:
In short, the Republicans are not just our kind of people, many Jews say. They don't sound like us, they don't talk like us and they don't understand us.
This is an absurd channeling of all American Jews. But she's not done yet with fictional hypotheticals:
Indeed, the incident may say something not only about Romney but about the GOP's problem with Jews. In his boatload of advisers, Romney apparently did not have anyone to say, "You know, a lot of Jews really hate Ford, and it might mess up your message. Let's try Edison's lab to make a point about American innovation.
Of course, there was plenty of precedent for the Ford Museum. George Bush Sr. and Robert Dole both held campaign events at the museum. Even Rudy Giuliani appeared there at a 2006 fundraiser.
Perhaps Jennifer took issue with this excerpt from Romney's speech:
"Henry Ford - a small entrepreneur - once said that the best Americans were those with 'an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done.' We honor today those kinds of Americans, testament to the power of enterprise and the strength of the human spirit."
Ooops... my mistake - that wasn't Mitt it was Bill Clinton in 1999.
The National Jewish Democratic Council's opposition to anti-Semitism ends where the MoveOn.org branch of the Democratic Party begins, as shown by its participation in the attempted whitewash of the MoveOn.org Action Forum hate speech scandal last year.
Anything that Henry Ford published about Jews (which he later retracted) pales in comparison to MoveOn Action Forum's blood libels of Jews and Evangelical Christians, along with hate speech and contempt for Catholics and prominent African-American "house slaves."
I was making the net rounds the other day and ran accross an Anti-Romney piece at "Students for Brownback" (go visit them, they need the traffic). I thought there was an interesting theme to there site. Currently on their front page they have 10 pieces. & of them are directly concerning Mitt Romney. One of them is a decidedly anti-mormon hit piece. Not a single post on anything that talks about Brownback himself.
Look, we all know Brownback is a lousy candidate. He has no support except for some single issue voters, and he's amnesty loving, pro-pork, no exectutive experience, lies about his flip, soft on gay adoption and soft on the GWOT. That's true. We all know Brownback, Huckabee and Thompson are like lead ballons on a windy day- ain't going anywhere. But why the seemingly infatuation with my man Mitt?
C'mon S4B! You have to have something about your candidate that is noteworthy!
Students for Brownback have taken the time to thank us for the increased traffic, must have made a dent!
One point, site owner Billy decides to knock on us for not having nearly as many people vote for the GOP poll as his site, 1/3 to be exact. Now here is where Billy the student gets a lesson:
Now Billy, we have had our poll post up for 2 hours, you have had yours up for 2 days. If we can get 1/3 of the traffic as you in 2 hours that you got in two days, that doesn't sound too good for your site. But your twisting of facts is nothing new for the Brownback camp.
BTW, we haven't had any traffic from your site yet. Does anyone visit your site other than Romney supporters? You're 8/10 for Romney posts on your front page now. Romney appreciates your help.
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Sam Brownback is a joke and he's flailing desperately at Mitt. Judging by his website he must consider the New Homestead Act to be of more importance to GOP voters than immigration. No big mystery as to why he wouldn't mention that debacle. He doesn't have strong or clear positions on foreign policy either, and that tends to be somewhat of a big issue nowadays.
I say let them keep at it. Romney could use the added press. According to a poll released yesterday 70% of Americans have yet to hear about Romney. That has to change soon. Giulianii is gaining a lot of steam in the MSM. Somehow the Romney camp needs to get the same kind of coverage. Perhaps when he gives his Kennedyesque speach on his faith the MSM will pick it up. Here's to hoping.
I went to S4B to check out their site. I left a comment that went a little something like this: "So. . .not much info about Brownback around here. Why don't you call the site 'Students Against Romney,' as that seems a more accurate description. Seriously, where there's smoke, there's fire. Romney must be doing something right to garner all this criticism, and his opponents are running scared b/c they know he's on to something big. Sam. . .who?" Needless to say my comment was not published this morning :).
In our continuing quest to fight the fight for Mitt we are launching the first in a series of interactive applications to help you better get to know the candidate (Hey - we can officially call him a candidate now!). CLICK ON THE GRAPHIC BELOW
Today we give you the interactive Issue Map allowing you to quickly digest Governor Romney's positions on various topics, view videos, search blogs, and download issue papers from the campaign. More tools will be available soon!
As a Californian following the illegal immigration issue, I would say that Mitt is the one candidate in the field who actually believes that people here illegally should not get to be citizens before people who are trying to legally immigrate here.
He is also the one candidate that supports letting local law enforcement inquire into the immigration status of suspects they investigate. In fact, he made that executive order before it was, unfortunately, rescinded by the next governor in MA.
I don't know how that fits into your broader NAFTA and SPP question. NAFTA provides for a temporary worker visa that has to be renewed annually, but that isn't really the problem. With that program, we know who is coming in and unless they overstay their visa, they are doing so legally.
NAFTA also allows for easier shipping across borders and you may think that contributes to illegal importation of contraband and illegal immigration. It probably does. Border security will always have to be innovative in order to not stifle free trade. Mitt is the most competent person for the job.
Prior to Mitt coming Ann spoke. Here is a video of her waiting and then walking on stage.
I am not including any of the video I took of Romney speaking since he was well covered by the online feed, and Justin posted a lot of that here already.
After Mitt's speech they took the time to walk through the crowd, take pictures and answer questions from the media. It was kind of fun. I had to shove my way into the media (I was hoping to knock over a CNN guy- no such luck) and just held my camera up really high. It's one of te advantages of being 6'5 and 300lbs. People just move out f your way. Not wearing deoderant helps too.
This is Ann Romney answering questions from the Media:
Here is video of Romney with the crowd. About a minute into Romney greets his nephew, it's a good shot. We also see some face time with Ann Marie Curling!
Don't forget about the cycloe conservatives poll. And...One other site that we should all be stopping by to vote at: www.patrickruffini.com Even though he is supporting Giuliani, maybe we can convince him he chose poorly. There is a great crowd to be won over on that site. The poll is on the home page I believe. His 2008 stories page is great for finding articles about Mitt too! Keep up the good work!
Rudy Giuliani criticizes Al Gore for being soft on global warming. This is very good news for Mitt Romney. Apparently Giuliani's strategy is to not try and win the conservative vote.
Drudge recently had a flash about the President of the Czech Republic questioning Gore's sanity. Drudge's flashes tend to roll off so Mick at Sad Bastards captured the post
You can read excerpts from all these articles at my blog.
Finally I got to work and stopped messing around. Found these great kids. With the permission of one of their mother's I interviewed them. The mom was then interviewed next:
I disagree with Mr. Anonymous, who I guess is the new managing editor of My Man Mitt.
Things like this show that the people who came out for MR's announcement were real people and not just room fillers. Enormous thanks go to Jason for volunteering his time, money and effort to contribute to this site.
Everyone here is a volunteer and I'm sure each has other demands on their time. While suggestions are always welcome, anonymous criticism of this type does not boost morale or contribute to the cause.
What would be a presidential ralley without a Band. As a High School Marching Band Geek myslef (baritone horn player) I devote these videos to all those Band Geeks who were/are unfortunate enough to play the flute.
And a critique...
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We arrived around 7:20 am. If I was smart I would have arrived 3 hours earlier since when we arrived all the tables were taken to set up a computer. Unfortunately 3 hours earlier I was still on the road chugging Red Bull and wishing my cars speedometer worked every time I passed the fuzz.
So we got there and the place looked good. The museum room floors were covered with old Fords, they even had an old Rambler on stage, (I would have preferred and AMX or a Javelin, but oh well). Not to far off were all the presidential limos from Reagan back to Hoover or something like that. It was a great place that highlighted Romney's knack for innovation.
Here is some video of Eric Fehrnstron being interviewed by the local Boston news station. This reporter (can't remevber his name- but a nice dude) saw my "Mitthead Button" I had on and wanted to do an interview. What followed was my first TV interview. True confession: I had shaky legs.
Picture of the aforementioned Rambler, notice the cool airplane.
Jason is churning out his stuff as we speak. Stay tuned. Interviews and more. Also, be sure to listen to NPR's All Things Considered. Jason was featured on Tuesday's story on Mitt Romney. We'll have the audio up after it goes live.
Our man Jason Bonham was live for the event in Michigan this morning. He high-tailed it from Illinois to the event in a 6-hour drive through snow, sleet and rain. He'll have photos, videos and more up later today.
Just a quick phone report right now. Couple of insights and links:
The crowd was enormous. Tip-toe room only.
Lots of press present. Jason's MittHead button brought the press to him in droves.
Voting for a Mormon is more popular!!! - at least a qualified one.
I was reviewing your link to the USA Today article when I read this... "In a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, 72% say they would vote for a qualified nominee who is Mormon. "
Do you remember the awful LA Times poll a while back about "would you vote for a Mormon?" and what the number was that wouldn't?
It looks like the country has come to it's sences, or maybe the question was just worded more fairly... "qualified nomineed who is Mormon."
After that LA Times poll earlier, I was quite encouraged by the 72% that said they would, even though USA Today tried to show it as a negative in comparison to blacks & women.
I count myself as leaning Romney, but would have to say the speech came off to me as anticlimactic. As much as I tried to rid myself of it, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was listening to a "Dubya" stump speech. He spoke in broad, surface platitudes rather than consistently hitting on a recurrent theme. Not bad, not particularly moving. Seemed a bit forced, programmed, and stiff. I know it's an announcement and he is going for broad appeal, but I think he tried to hit on too many 'whats' and too few 'whys'. Just my 2 cents. keep up the good work MMM
"I love America and I believe in the people of America. I believe in God and I believe that every person in this great country, and every person on this grand planet, is a child of God. We are all sisters and brothers. I believe the family is the foundation of America – and that we must fight to protect and strengthen it. I believe in the sanctity of human life. I believe that people and their elected representatives should make our laws, not unelected judges. I believe we are overtaxed and government is overfed. Washington is spending too much money. I believe that homeland security begins with securing our borders. I believe the best days of this country are ahead of us, because… I believe in America!"
"There are some who believe that America's strength comes from government – that challenges call for bigger government, for more regulation of our lives and livelihood, and for more protection and isolation from competition that comes from open markets."
"That is the path that has been taken by much of Europe. It is called the welfare state. It has led to high unemployment and anemic job growth. It is not the path to prosperity and leadership. "
"How is the American family made stronger? With marriage before children. With a mother and a father in the life of every child. With healthcare that is affordable and portable. With schools that succeed. With taxes that are lower. And with leaders who strive to demonstrate enduring values and morality."
Good speech. You can read the whole thing at the link above.
Bopp: I believe that Governor Romney is the best qualified person for President. He is a fiscal and social conservative, he has impressive administrative experience in the private, non-profit and public sectors, and he is a proven and successful politician.
MMM: Given Governor Romney's well documented statements on abortion in the past what would you say to pro-life leaders who remain concerned about Romney's commitment to the movement given his recent conversion to it.
Bopp: The pro-life movement is open to converts. Two of our most stalwart pro-life presidents, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, were converts. I believe that Governor Romney's conversion on the pro-life issue is sincere for three reasons. First, it was based on a real life pivot point, when Harvard researchers told him that there was no "moral issue" with embryonic stem cell research because they "destroy the embryos at 14 days." This had a profound effect on him.
Second, as Governor, he consistently pursued pro-life policies. He vetoed the bill providing state funding for embryonic stem cell research, he vetoed a bill that provided for the "morning after pill" without a prescription because it is an abortifacient, he vetoed legislation which would have redefined Massachusetts longstanding definition of the beginning of human life from fertilization to implantation, and he fought to promote abstinence education in the classroom. These actions as Governor, and others, have lead leaders of the most important social conservative groups in Massachusetts, including Massachusetts Citizens for Life, Massachusetts Family Institute and the Knights of Columbus, to observe that, while previous comments by Ronmey "are, taken by themselves, obviously worrisome to social conservatives including ourselves, they do not dovetail with the actions of Governor Romney from 2003 until now - and those actions positively and demonstrably impacted the social climate of Massachusetts." They conclude that Romney "demonstrat[ed] [his] solid social conservative credentials by undertaking" these actions, and has, therefore, "proven that he shares our values, as well as our determination to protect them."
Third, I have met with Governor Romney and asked him the questions that I think need answered. I am satisfied with his answers.
MMM:While Rudy Giuliani has obvious flaws for the Pro-life movement John McCain's are not as apparent.Why should pro-life voters care about the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act(BCFRA), or McCain-Feingold.
Bopp:While both Giuliani and McCain would be superior to any potential Democrat nominee, I have serious policy differences with each of them.
Giuliani is not a social conservative. He is pro-choice, pro-partial birth abortion, pro-special rights for homosexuals, soft on gay marriage and pro-gun control.
Senator McCain opposes the federal marriage amendment, supports embryonic stem cell research and was a ringleader of the Gang-of-14 compromise that made it easier for Democrats to block President Bush's judicial nominees. He voted against Bush's tax cuts, supports an amnesty plan for illegal immigrants, and supports the Kyoto-like restrictions on the American economy.
Finally, Senator McCain is the principal sponsor of the McCain-Feingold bill which imposes severe limits on the participation of citizens groups and political parties in our representative democracy. The pro-life movement should care about McCain-Feingold because it has seriously undermined our ability to accomplish our policy goals by making it much harder to influence public policy.
MMM: How do you think a Romney Presidency will advance the pro-life movement?
Bopp: I think he will support pro-life legislation, continue the Bush administration's pro-life policies and nominate judges in the mold of Justices Scalia and Thomas.
MMM: Do you think pro-life issues will affect the Republican Primary?
Bopp:Yes, the vast majority of Republican primary voters are pro-life and want a pro-life President.
Many thanks to James Bopp Jr. for taking the time to talk with us.
We launched the MittCast, an informative podcast, bringing you updates, news and commentary throughout each week.
We gave you a quick and easy way that you could get involved. (Hold your mouse over 1, 2, and 3.
Now we bring you live coverage from Michgan. MyManMitt's own Jason Bonham will there in person conducting interview, taking photos, uploading videos, and posted reports from the ground floor of the event.
Day 1 starts tomorrow.
Get here on the website early and often. During the 9:00 AM EST event we will have a LIVE CHAT FORUM up and running for you to participate in. If you haven't done so already... be sure to register for the live feed from the event:
Presidential candidate and Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney holds a press conference before speaking to Michigan Republicans during the Michigan GOP Convention in Grand Rapids, Mi. on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007. (AP Photo/Adam Bird)
Former Massachusetts Gov. and Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney, left, and wife Ann listen to the Pledge of Allegiance before his speech at the Missouri Republican Party's 108th Lincoln Days gathering Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007 in St. Louis. (AP Photo/Bill Boyce)
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney addresses members of the Alabama Republican Party, Friday, Feb. 9, 2007, in Montgomery, Ala. (AP Photo/Kevin Glackmeyer)
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney listens to Lawrence Johnson, director of the Center for Crops Utilization Research at Iowa State University, after a tour Thursday, Feb. 8, 2007, in Ames, Iowa. (AP Photo/Steve Pope)
Republican Mitt Romney meets with the media after addressing the Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2007. Romney used the first major policy speech of his fledgling presidential campaign to promote permanent tax cuts, portable health insurance and free and open markets. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
Here's a quick excerpt from Gov. Romney's address in Detroit this last week. One thing I love about this clip. He brings out the PowerPoint in full force! A picture says a thousand words:
Well, the 2007 MI GOP Convention is in the books, and there's not much too much to report on. The big news, obviously, was Mitt Romney's address to the convention Saturday. He definately capped off the day's events Saturday. As MIRS News' Jack Spencer put it:
The Mitt ROMNEY presidential campaign copped top prize for attracting news media Saturday, as print, TV and radio reporters literally surged forward to greet Romney as soon as he made his appearance.
At a convention short on actual hard news, Romney's 11:15 a.m. news conference became arguably the most anticipated event of the morning, as print and broadcast media awaited arrival of the former Massachusetts Governor at the appointed location. Romney was a few minutes late, which seemed to only add to the surge of reporters who finally greeted him. SNIP
Romney's visit sets the stages for his national presidential campaign kickoff slated for Tuesday morning in Dearborn, Mich., a first-ring suburb of Detroit and the world headquarters of the Ford Motor Company. Site of the Romney announcement will be at the historic Henry Ford Museum.
You can watch the Romney's MI GOP Convention here, courtesy of WZZM-TV in Grand Rapids.
Gov. Mike Huckabee was on This Week Sunday morning and stated that in more words or less that there is nothing wrong with higher taxes as long as it is being spent correctly. In issues of health care, housing, and education, there should be higher taxes to be able to afford programs that help out the neediest of people.
Now, this sounds all well and good, except that in reality, the Federal government has a poor record of using taxpayer's money appropriately. In the past, billions were spent in helping the poor and needy to get out of poverty and to improve their lives. Billions were spent on education to help troubled schools compete with better schools.
Yet, all of this spending that was done has not ended poverty or helped kids become educated. Health Care, under government's watch, has given some people access to medical care, but kept many from not receiving from health care, due to the bureaucracy that is involved and the waste that has gone on. Huckabee's answer that taxes are needed to help make things better won't help but hurt since government would be involved in issues that could be solved through private charity or action.
Looking at his record as governor of Arkansas, he raised taxes to try and fund improvements to the state, yet they rank in the bottom for health care, economic growth, and education. If raising taxes are a good thing, Arkansas would be having great growth in all of these areas.
Mitt Romney offers a contrast of leading Massachusetts in economic growth, improving schools and health care during his four years in office without raising taxes, compared with Mike Huckabee's 8 years in office and lack of improvements in any of those categories while raising or implementing a series of taxes. Mike Huckabee is a good and decent man, but he is wrong about tax, education, and health care policy and raising taxes will not solve any of those problems.
I found the remarks to be extraordinarily derogatory to conservative values. No, Mr. Huckabee, it is not merely a matter of letting poor people starve or go without health care. What kind of incentives are you creating? Here I thought we repudiated the welfare state in 1994. It is alive and well in Arkansas.What this country needs right now is a candidate who believes in fiscal conservatism, can articulate it like Reagan, and will use his veto to instill some discipline on Congress. I know the right man for the job.
I think that's Matt Blunt with him (the Gov. who is the son). Roy Blunt is the daddy and a ranking congressman (?WHIP?). Both are likely to support Romney (the younger is already committed)
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