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Thursday, February 15, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 9:53 PM | permalink
I'm not sure I'd employ this analogy. But coming from a respected libertarian left-leaning Democrat... it's a compliment:
Mitt Romney is Bill Clinton with his pants up. And he’ll very likely be cast in 2008 (“nominated,” if you prefer the political science verb) against Clinton’s wife, who has all the seductive qualities of John Kerry in a pants suit.

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Speaking of Bill, I've seen a story that says he has a new girlfriend (Canadian politician). Is there anything to this story?

Bill was full of potential, but sadly suffered from several personal ills. Mitt has managed to avoid these same same pathologies, and even exceeds Clinton in the talent and personality categories.

Mitt has nowhere near the personality draw that Bill Clinton does. He does not have the same charisma and charm. Mitt looks like a Stake President giving a talk on a sunday morning. He needs to loosen up a bit. BTW, I can't stand Bill Clinton. His 'charm' makes me sick, but there's no denying the sway he has over people. Mitt doesn't have that.

And where does "the Mitt" stand on the following:
"Fundamental Mormons seek recognition for polygamy" Reuters News Release 6/11/07
"Polygamy, once hidden in the shadows of Utah and Arizona, is breaking into the open as fundamentalist Mormons push to decriminalize it on religious grounds, while at the same time stamping out abuses such as forced marriages of underage brides."

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 12, 2007 at 1:42 PM  

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