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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 2:31 PM | permalink
In our continuing quest to fight the fight for Mitt we are launching the first in a series of interactive applications to help you better get to know the candidate (Hey - we can officially call him a candidate now!). CLICK ON THE GRAPHIC BELOW

Mitt Romney, Issues, Mitt Romney for PResident

Today we give you the interactive Issue Map allowing you to quickly digest Governor Romney's positions on various topics, view videos, search blogs, and download issue papers from the campaign. More tools will be available soon!

If your pop-up blocker is just not gonna let this thing work... here is the link to the direct page.

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Can you answer these 2 questions what’s Romney’s Position on the Security and Prosperity Partnership and the North American Union?

(PC term for North American Union is now North American Immigration.)

As a Californian following the illegal immigration issue, I would say that Mitt is the one candidate in the field who actually believes that people here illegally should not get to be citizens before people who are trying to legally immigrate here.

He is also the one candidate that supports letting local law enforcement inquire into the immigration status of suspects they investigate. In fact, he made that executive order before it was, unfortunately, rescinded by the next governor in MA.

I don't know how that fits into your broader NAFTA and SPP question. NAFTA provides for a temporary worker visa that has to be renewed annually, but that isn't really the problem. With that program, we know who is coming in and unless they overstay their visa, they are doing so legally.

NAFTA also allows for easier shipping across borders and you may think that contributes to illegal importation of contraband and illegal immigration. It probably does. Border security will always have to be innovative in order to not stifle free trade. Mitt is the most competent person for the job.

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