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Saturday, November 8, 2008
posted by Myclob | 11:07 AM | permalink
Reasons to agree
  1. We live in a world were millions of middle-age minded people would like to destroy America. We could throw away all our weapons, and fight them with bronze spears. However diverse modern populations, with equal rights for minorities, that promote civil rights, a free press, the rule of law, and invests in education, health-care, etcetera... these societies are going to have a technological advantage. Those societies that work hard, educate their public, that work efficiently, and allow their women to be productive members of society... those societies that embrace science, reason, law, and education... these societies are the best care-takers of the future. Human histories are full of war. We live in a time when dictators still build statues to themselves, and enslave their populations. Therefore it is important that modern societies have modern weapons. 
  2. Societies that use irrational extremism to motivate their geneses to build weapons for them will never be as stable as multi-party democracies, with the rule of law. Hitler forced a lot of scientist to work for him, and they built some very cutting edge plains. They almost beat the free world to building the nuclear bomb. If they had succeeded, we would all have been speaking German. But in the long run, many of these scientist wore forced to work for Germany. Those that could escape to the west (like Einstein who fled Europe when he saw the Nazis come to power) fled to the free world. In the long run, good modern societies, are going to have smart people want to be a part of them. This is part of why our immigration policy should be used to recruit the brightest people from all over the planet, and try to get them to stay here in America. 
  3. Patriotism, love of democracy, and the desire for peace are not the only things that would inspire smart people to build great weapons. Religious fanatism can also motivate smart people to build new weapons. Perceived injustices, nationalism, money, and misinformation perpetuated by a state-ran media, can all be used by power hungry governments to motivate their scientist. But scientist who are stupid enough to be manipulated will never build weapons that are as good as the scientist who are willing to work for the causes of freedom, democracy, equality, and a pursuit of rational justice. 
  4. Evil people are going to develop future combat systems. If we enjoy life, and want our children to be free, we have to build better weapons. 
  5. Evil people don't build weapons because good people do. But good people have to build weapons because evil people do.
Movies that disagree
  1. Iron Man's main character, Tony Stark, closes his weapons business before he found out how evil that one guy was. 
  2. Almost every movie today disagrees. The 2nd Batmat had an evil weapons dealer. Their was that movie "Lord of War", with a guy just like Tony Stark who was a weapons dealer. 
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This is unrelated to the topic but relates to California's Prop. 8 which we have mentioned multiple times on this blog.

My take is that you can tell a lot about a person or a group by those who attack that person or group. And to be attacked by certain people or groups is not always a bad thing. Mormons probably wear as a badge of honor all of the bashing by the foaming-at-the-mouth gay activist types & their supporters.

I almost feel that certain Evangelicals, Baptists, and such are probably quite jealous. A lot of them don't like Mormons either. And they are all just as opposed to gay marriage as Mormons. It just appears that in the Prop 8 race, the Mormons seem to be the group that did the best in putting their money where their mouth is.

Let's not forget though that gay marriage bans have been passed by voters throughout the United States - including in Arizona & in Florida on Tuesday. And in Florida, Constitutional Amendments need 60% to pass.

I would think that those who think they are gay should be more upset at Baptists & voters in Arkansas than Mormons anyway, because Arkansas voters overwhelmingly approved a voter initiative the bans gay people from adopting by making sure that any person who adopts a child is married.

I bet many Mormons could even see scenarios where allowing a gay person to adopt a child is better than having nobody take care of the child at all.

But of course, Mormons are the only enemy for those who think they are gay. And according to the genius who wrote this post Blacks are also the enemy because they also voted their convictions in California.

The only bigotry I've seen since the Election is from people who think they are gay & their supporters bashing Mormons for fighting for what they believe is clearly stated in the Bible.

I'm surprised that nobody on here has attempted to defend Mitt Romney when it comes to the smears out on the blogosphere about Romney people being the ones who are spreading the vicious rumors about Sarah Palin.

What I would ask is: Who has the most to lose if Palin gains in popularity?

Well it's not Mitt Romney. Romney has to worry more about Bobby Jindal who will attract the same base as Romney. The Romney & Jindal bases are those who are seeking after an extremely competent chief executive who has a strong resume in turning around things. Both Mitt & Bobby are also social conservatives. So, it would make more sense for Romney and his supporters to be afraid of Bobby Jindal.

Sarah Palin is also a conservative governor but her base of support is evangelical Christians. Which other candidate this year wanted to be the "CHRISTIAN LEADER?" Oh, that's right! Mike Huckabee.

Huckabee has the most to lose with the rise of Sarah Palin. Huckabee is also one of the most extreme cases of self promoting, devious politicians I have ever seen. Huckabee's campaign Chair just happened to be Chip Saltsman who then went to work at the top of the McCain camp. He could easily be one of the unnamed McCain campaign sources attacking Palin. Saltsman is also now trying to become head of the RNC. I would think that Saltsman wants his boy Huckabee to be the next nominee so that Saltsman can get repaid big time.

So, why not attack Sarah Palin on one hand while floating the rumor that it was Romney's camp doing the attacking? Huckabee could be trying to kill two birds with one stone here. Huckabee proved to be a big FAT (before his liposuction) liar throughout the campaign. Huckabee has attacked the Club for Growth as the Club for Greed & has attacked people who support strong border enforcement as racists. Huckabee has attacked everybody who got in his way throughout his career. He is an immature liberal idiot who thinks he’s a Republican only because he opposes abortion.

I think that it is pro-Huckabee people who are floating the anti-Palin rumors. McCain people just make McCain look dumb for having chosen Palin if they attack her for not being ready. But Huckabee has the most to gain in attacking Governor Palin. Huckabee's also the reason why Romney didn't win the nomination with his anti-Mormon smears. He will do whatever it takes to take out his opponents. He even went far enough to push hard against Mitt being put on the Republican Ticket out of jealousy. I hate Huck! He's the lowest form of life on the planet.

Amen, Zeus, Amen. If Huckabee rises to any level of power on the national GOP stage, I will vote for Mickey Mouse. I cannot stand that man.

Friday, November 7, 2008
posted by jason | 11:18 AM | permalink
Romney gave a great interview to Fortune Magazine/CNN which can be viewed here. I think is one of Romney's best interviews actually, everyone should read it.

Here are a few excerpts:

Any management advice for the next president? How does he rally a depressed nation to meet the challenges we face?

He should forget entirely about reelection and focus solely on helping the nation at a critical time. He should dismiss the people who helped him win the election and bring in people who are above politics and above party. He should surround himself with statesmen and economists, businesspeople and leaders. In some ways it would be beneficial if our presidency consisted of only one term. That way the President would think about his legacy and the future of the country rather than reelection and partisanship.

How likely do you think that's going to happen?

In his second term, President Clinton made an effort to govern more from the center than from the extreme wing of his party, and by doing so, found greater support and greater political success. Perhaps it's a paradox, the less political the agenda, the more political success one enjoys. But now is not the time for partisanship opportunism.

The unions have helped Barack Obama. They will hope to be paid back. I'm particularly concerned that organized labor would call on Barack Obama to pass the card check program. This removes from American workers the right to the secret ballot in deciding whether or not to accept a union. This legislation would do more to harm America's long-term competitiveness than almost anything I can imagine. It would be a partisan payback for organized labor but it would come with devastating consequences for the nation.

Given your Michigan roots and what your father accomplished turning around the American Motors Corporation in the 1950s, what do you think is the future of the auto industry?

Right now, the auto industry is on life support, and its prospects look extremely dim. But they don't need to be. The industry could be turned around. There is no inherent reason why America can't build and sell cars to Americans at least as well as the transplants are doing. Any effort to help the auto industry has to be made as part of a comprehensive strategy. Before the government issues loans to the auto industry, as has been authorized by Congress, it should insist on seeing credible and independent strategies that will return the companies to long-term sustainability. Government should not finance ongoing losses and declining market shares.

Read more »
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This is a bit unrelated to any topic on here, but it's still important. Chip Saltsman better not win the race for RNC Chair!

That's the same guy who ran Mike Up-Chuck-abee's Presidential campaign & thought it was a good idea to tout the dumbass Mike Huckabee as qualified to be President because he was THE "CHRISTIAN LEADER."

Saltsman proved to be as religiously bigoted against Mormons as his candidate the moron Mike Up-Chuck-abee was.

I also can't think of a single positive thing that Saltsman added to the McCain Campaign once he joined the campaign. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was Saltsman who has been leaking all of those negative rumors about Governor Palin in order to help his "floating cross denying candidate" win in 2012.

Btw, Up-Chuck-abee didn't raise taxes & didn't call people who support stronger border security racists. Yeah right!

I choose guilt by association on this one. And I give that jerk Saltsman a big thumbs-down to lead the RNC along with anybody else even remotely involved in the Up-Chuck-abee Campaign!

This interview shows precisely why Romney needs to be in the White House. I have yet to see a candidate that has better experience, education and intelligence. My impression of Romney has been that he is willing to take a balanced, rational view of a situation, and that impression seems to be justified in his advice to Obama.

Social Security is not an "entitlement." Working people paid into Social Security for many, many years. It's just getting a return (and a bad one) on investment. The problem is that our government didn't keep SS money in a separate account that was invested in completely safe securities where it could have grown for future generations.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
posted by jason | 12:45 PM | permalink
Marc Ambinder reports on a poll NBC-WSJ that is mentioned on First Read. Unfortunately I couldn't find the exact poll from the NBC website, but it looks pretty good for Mitt:

NBC-WSJ GOP pollster Neil Newhouse did a post-election survey last night, and here's what he found: Just 12% of those surveyed believed Palin should be the GOP's new leader; instead 29% of voters said Romney, followed by 20% who say Huckabee. Among GOPers, it was Romney 33%, Huckabee 20% and Palin 18%. Look for more from this survey later today.

This of course are nearly the same numbers of the MSNBC poll that came out about 2 weeks ago.

Seems people prefer Mitt over the lady from Alaska.
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Only 1460 days to go!

To any Mitt fans critical of Sarah (and I'm not speaking of Jason) would be wise for you to act like she's the 2nd greatest thing since sliced bread for the next 4 years. Speak of her warmly and defend her from the hatchet jobs.

At the very least, it will engender good will from Sarah's supporters. It will counter the meme that you go nuclear on anyone in Mitt's way. In the unlikely event that she runs for the ticket, it may even help prop her up and split off some of Huckabee's support. And it's completely safe, because she's just not going to win the nomination in 2012.

So grit your teeth if you have to...just be nice!!


Great point actually. For now on, I LOVE PALING!!!

PS, how are you doing? Long time no hear.


Not as much as I love Palin. Did I mention she's the greatest? I just saw the "Operation Leper" thing on RedState. Think they're serious?

I'm doing great, thanks for asking. The Prop 8 campaign has been a wild ride (especially here in the Bay Area). I'm totally psyched.

Alaska is a state in the united states of america in the northwest of the north american continent.
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posted by Justin Hart | 6:54 AM | permalink
Congratulations to Barack Obama and his supporters. It was a tremendous campaign with innumerable turns and twists that left us hanging right until the end. America should be proud of the journey it has taken (and will take) with President-elect Obama. Many thanks to all of you who engaged me thoughtfully in dialogue in support and in opposition to my chosen candidates. My prayers this day are for President-elect Obama and the country.

Two other personal notes. I will continue blogging on and Credo.

Lastly, for those of you who are disappointed this morning I want to call your attention to a new business venture I'm involved in.

Stin Hansen is an extraordinary person. She and I have just launched a website and iPhone application for guided meditations.

You can read more about it at:

And you can get the iPhone application: Meditate Now! right now:

So - don't stress about the election... meditate it away.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008
posted by jason | 11:46 PM | permalink
I have been working on a new logo all day.
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posted by Anonymous | 11:27 PM | permalink
Okay Justin, as Managing Director, even though you gave me that designation, I am making the executive decision that the website will absolutely continue. We are just getting started.

Now that the McCain speech is done, I have to say there are two realities that we quickly need to grapple with. First, we are in the wilderness folks. Conservatives have been routed. Elections have consequences and a flood of liberal leglistlation is going to quickly deluge upon us. We need to organize quickly to fight off the attempts to nationalize our health care system and raise taxes. We need to rally against the attempts to eliminate the right to vote about whether to unionize. We need to rise up to prevent the Defense of Marriage Act from being repealed. We need to fight to prevent the Freedom of Choice Act from being passed. We need to work to prevent an immigration plan that will reward law breakers and punish the law abiding. We need to make sure the strength of our military is not undercut by the Democrats. There is so much to fight against. But we also need to generate ideas and create a strong theme from which to forge forward with for the future. We need a leader to help us with this fight.

Second, we need to realize that Sarah Palin is not the person to lead this fight right now. She may be in the future. I was an early advocate for her but she is seriously damaged political goods right now. That is the downside to running and losing as VP. Second, it is likely that it will not be possible to reintroduce her to the public within the next year or two. Unfortunately, she is seen negatively by too many right now. I am probably going to get bashed on for saying this, but the quicker we realize it, the better.
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The good news is for conservatives that the party does not move to the left. The moderate candidate lost and lost big. That isn't the blueprint for victory.

Obama won by running on tax cuts and going after terrorists, conservative ideas. When he fails to live up to his promises, the window opens for a conservative. I don't know if that conservative is going to be Mitt Romney or Bobby Jindal, but it is going to be one of the them or both together.


I must disagree with both of your assumptions. Yes, Barack Obama is a far left liberal, but he did not win the Presidential Election by running like one. He won because the last month of the election he ran as someone who said that he wanted to lower taxes for most people. Conservates were not routed yesterday and neither was conservatism.

Obama won by running a general election campaign where he tried to act like he was a conserative. You can add this to dissatisfaction from both conservates & liberals to Bush's liberal big government agenda & spending plus those who were still upset about the war in Iraq.

Obama DID NOT run a General Election campaign as a liberal. He hid from his liberal philosophy. He tried to pretend like he really didn't want to "spread the wealth" whenever he was "on script."

Second, point, I disagree with your assessment of Governor Palin. She did not make any major mistakes - unlike Joe Biden's (yes he will now be VP ugggh) several ghaffes.

Palin got thrust into the campaign & may have been misused by the campaign. But she is a scrapper & a fighter.

I am not as depressed as you when it comes to our prospects. The Democrats did not get a fillibuster-proof Senate & we have a very talented & competent bench of top prospects for 2012 with Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal & Sarah Palin all at the top of the list.

posted by Justin Hart | 10:59 PM | permalink
Now... what should we do with this site?

I think we'll keep it around for a few. Your thoughts?
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Keep it, Mitt in 2012!

What? This is the best site ever. And it becomes pertinent now more than ever. You've gotta build support for 2012, if this country is a wreck now, imagine four years of Marxist voodoo down the road. Only a super-duper fix-it man/woman/whole team will be able to help us. All we lack right now is conservative leadership. Anywhere. At any level.

posted by jason | 1:35 PM | permalink
...and this was exactly what my mission was like. I loved walking into peoples homes and sifting through their belongings and tearing up things. Especially with a sinister laugh.

But I never got the cool "Enforcement Division" badge. That would have have made my job a bit easier.

A couple thoughts:

1. These missionaries were in the wrong, since Missionary rules dictate that elders shouldn't go into homes where they are the only male. I am just thankful the cameras caught this.

2. I actually did teach two good looking lesbians on my mission, one was Mormon and the other wanted to join, but they moved away or something. Needless to say, our first visits had a lot of parallels.
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What a joke! Its more like don't let the government take over your church.

I was a missionary as well, and served a brief stint in Southern California while waiting for my visas to go to Spain. This is an absolutely gross misrepresentation of the kind of work missionaries do.

That aside, the complaint about the Church spending 20 million dollars of voluntarily donated funds to pass Prop 8 is laughable, in light of the 70 million dollars of teacher's union contributions appropriated to fight Prop 8. Context is a real bugger on this one.

posted by jason | 11:09 AM | permalink
Just thought I would use this election day to do some personal promotion and unveil my new personal blog:

Feel free to check it and make comments whenever.
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posted by jason | 12:58 AM | permalink
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I got this in a chain email, and laughed myself silly. Too bad we are a lost party at the moment :-(

Monday, November 3, 2008
posted by Aaron Gulbransen | 2:30 AM | permalink
Those of you may remember that I blogged fairly frequently on here during the primaries. I will be making my return. Stay tuned...

I also wanted to take a second to introduce you to a website I run,

It is a Virginia-based site run by Romney supporters. We've been supporting McCain all way in the General Election as you'll be able to see from the content. Governor Romney will feature prominently in our post-election coverage.

Here's a Couple Articles of interest: Barack Obama and Martin Luther King, Obama and the Supreme Court, and Is America Ready for Illinois Style Government are a few articles you should check out.

I hope you'll check the site out and give us your support! Also, don't forget to vote on Tuesday and check out as often as you can!
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Sunday, November 2, 2008
posted by jason | 9:26 PM | permalink
In the spirit of reporting what our favorite candidate is doing these last few days before the election, I thought I would provide links to the several campaign appearances Mitt has made or is making between Halloween and the election for McCain/Palin:

Evansville, IN
Romney on Nevada News 4
Henderson, NV
Eerie, PA
Greenwood Villlage, CO
Reno, NV
Colorado Springs, CO
Carson, NV
Albuquerque, NM
Altoona, PA
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I live in California by San Francisco and I have no hope that McCain will win my California delgate.

Rather than throwing my vote away on McCain I decided to disobey Mitt and I wrote "Mitt Romney" in for President.

If I lived in another part of the country where McCain stands any chance of winning delegates then I would have voted for McCain; however, I am hoping that someone will report on how many votes Romney gets in the general election.

This has been a long election cycle and I am happy it will be over on Tuesday. In order to celebrate the election being over and to kick things off for the next cycle my wife and I are hosting a "The Election is Over" party this Saturday.

Also, because you can never start too early, we are going to hang up posters in our apartment that say "Mitt Romney 2012" and pass out Mitt Romney stickers we have left over.

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