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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
posted by jason | 12:45 PM | permalink
Marc Ambinder reports on a poll NBC-WSJ that is mentioned on First Read. Unfortunately I couldn't find the exact poll from the NBC website, but it looks pretty good for Mitt:

NBC-WSJ GOP pollster Neil Newhouse did a post-election survey last night, and here's what he found: Just 12% of those surveyed believed Palin should be the GOP's new leader; instead 29% of voters said Romney, followed by 20% who say Huckabee. Among GOPers, it was Romney 33%, Huckabee 20% and Palin 18%. Look for more from this survey later today.

This of course are nearly the same numbers of the MSNBC poll that came out about 2 weeks ago.

Seems people prefer Mitt over the lady from Alaska.
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Only 1460 days to go!

To any Mitt fans critical of Sarah (and I'm not speaking of Jason) would be wise for you to act like she's the 2nd greatest thing since sliced bread for the next 4 years. Speak of her warmly and defend her from the hatchet jobs.

At the very least, it will engender good will from Sarah's supporters. It will counter the meme that you go nuclear on anyone in Mitt's way. In the unlikely event that she runs for the ticket, it may even help prop her up and split off some of Huckabee's support. And it's completely safe, because she's just not going to win the nomination in 2012.

So grit your teeth if you have to...just be nice!!


Great point actually. For now on, I LOVE PALING!!!

PS, how are you doing? Long time no hear.


Not as much as I love Palin. Did I mention she's the greatest? I just saw the "Operation Leper" thing on RedState. Think they're serious?

I'm doing great, thanks for asking. The Prop 8 campaign has been a wild ride (especially here in the Bay Area). I'm totally psyched.

Alaska is a state in the united states of america in the northwest of the north american continent.
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