posted by Anonymous | 11:27 PM |
Okay Justin, as Managing Director, even though you gave me that designation, I am making the executive decision that the website will absolutely continue. We are just getting started.
Now that the McCain speech is done, I have to say there are two realities that we quickly need to grapple with. First, we are in the wilderness folks. Conservatives have been routed. Elections have consequences and a flood of liberal leglistlation is going to quickly deluge upon us. We need to organize quickly to fight off the attempts to nationalize our health care system and raise taxes. We need to rally against the attempts to eliminate the right to vote about whether to unionize. We need to rise up to prevent the Defense of Marriage Act from being repealed. We need to fight to prevent the Freedom of Choice Act from being passed. We need to work to prevent an immigration plan that will reward law breakers and punish the law abiding. We need to make sure the strength of our military is not undercut by the Democrats. There is so much to fight against. But we also need to generate ideas and create a strong theme from which to forge forward with for the future. We need a leader to help us with this fight.
Second, we need to realize that Sarah Palin is not the person to lead this fight right now. She may be in the future. I was an early advocate for her but she is seriously damaged political goods right now. That is the downside to running and losing as VP. Second, it is likely that it will not be possible to reintroduce her to the public within the next year or two. Unfortunately, she is seen negatively by too many right now. I am probably going to get bashed on for saying this, but the quicker we realize it, the better.
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