Mitt did well last night. It was brief, though. Bill asked him about liberal judges in Mass. letting child rapists off on rediculously short sentances and would he support Jessica's Law (an obvious "yes").
Then he went on to ask Mitt about a plan for Iraq, to which Mitt said that he supported the troop surge but that if we can't secure Bagdad in the next six months we'll have to regroup and find a workable solution. He had an excellent response, in that we need to bring home the troops as soon as possible, but not before we've at least secured the country; and that we should not leave if it means further autrocities and having to go back later and lose even more lives.
Lastly, Bill asked Mitt whether he felt that going to war was an acceptable course of action in keeping Iran from developing/keeping nuclear weaponry. Mitt wasn't exactly direct, but he said he would not take military action off the table if diplomatic measures did not work. He was his usual, brilliant, down-to-business, answer-for-every-question self.
P.S. Did anyone hear him on Hannity this week? How'd he do there?
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