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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 10:46 AM | permalink

Our man Jason Bonham was live for the event in Michigan this morning. He high-tailed it from Illinois to the event in a 6-hour drive through snow, sleet and rain. He'll have photos, videos and more up later today.

Just a quick phone report right now. Couple of insights and links:

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Voting for a Mormon is more popular!!! - at least a qualified one.

I was reviewing your link to the USA Today article when I read this...
"In a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, 72% say they would vote for a qualified nominee who is Mormon. "

Do you remember the awful LA Times poll a while back about "would you vote for a Mormon?" and what the number was that wouldn't?

It looks like the country has come to it's sences, or maybe the question was just worded more fairly... "qualified nomineed who is Mormon."

After that LA Times poll earlier, I was quite encouraged by the 72% that said they would, even though USA Today tried to show it as a negative in comparison to blacks & women.

I count myself as leaning Romney, but would have to say the speech came off to me as anticlimactic. As much as I tried to rid myself of it, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was listening to a "Dubya" stump speech. He spoke in broad, surface platitudes rather than consistently hitting on a recurrent theme. Not bad, not particularly moving. Seemed a bit forced, programmed, and stiff. I know it's an announcement and he is going for broad appeal, but I think he tried to hit on too many 'whats' and too few 'whys'. Just my 2 cents. keep up the good work MMM

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