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Saturday, February 17, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 7:30 PM | permalink
Romney Takes on Religion Heckler


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That fellow who attempted to embarrass Mitt is an utter imbecile. It's unimaginable that some professing to be a Christian himself would say such things to anyone else in such a setting. Mitt responded well and received a deserved applause.

I just love it when someone who is totally clueless tries to tell someone else what they do or do not believe. SOOOO much fun. As a Mormon from the deep south, I got this kind of crap alot. It's so ironic when someone more or less spits in your face, telling you that you are not a Christian with hateful venom dripping from their words. "And what, then, does your accusation make you?" was usually my response.

Mitt is so gracious and eloquent. I think people will see right through the bigots who will try, unsuccessfully, to damper his campaign.

I'm very encouraged by the response of the audience. I'm confident that the majority of the American people would react the same way.

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