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Sunday, February 11, 2007
posted by Momo Harris | 5:05 PM | permalink
Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney for PresidentGov. Mike Huckabee was on This Week Sunday morning and stated that in more words or less that there is nothing wrong with higher taxes as long as it is being spent correctly. In issues of health care, housing, and education, there should be higher taxes to be able to afford programs that help out the neediest of people.

Now, this sounds all well and good, except that in reality, the Federal government has a poor record of using taxpayer's money appropriately. In the past, billions were spent in helping the poor and needy to get out of poverty and to improve their lives. Billions were spent on education to help troubled schools compete with better schools.

Yet, all of this spending that was done has not ended poverty or helped kids become educated. Health Care, under government's watch, has given some people access to medical care, but kept many from not receiving from health care, due to the bureaucracy that is involved and the waste that has gone on. Huckabee's answer that taxes are needed to help make things better won't help but hurt since government would be involved in issues that could be solved through private charity or action.

Looking at his record as governor of Arkansas, he raised taxes to try and fund improvements to the state, yet they rank in the bottom for health care, economic growth, and education. If raising taxes are a good thing, Arkansas would be having great growth in all of these areas.

Mitt Romney offers a contrast of leading Massachusetts in economic growth, improving schools and health care during his four years in office without raising taxes, compared with Mike Huckabee's 8 years in office and lack of improvements in any of those categories while raising or implementing a series of taxes. Mike Huckabee is a good and decent man, but he is wrong about tax, education, and health care policy and raising taxes will not solve any of those problems.

You can watch a portion of the exchange here

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I found the remarks to be extraordinarily derogatory to conservative values. No, Mr. Huckabee, it is not merely a matter of letting poor people starve or go without health care. What kind of incentives are you creating? Here I thought we repudiated the welfare state in 1994. It is alive and well in Arkansas.What this country needs right now is a candidate who believes in fiscal conservatism, can articulate it like Reagan, and will use his veto to instill some discipline on Congress. I know the right man for the job.

Huckabee sounds like he's vying to be John Edwards' running mate.

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