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Monday, January 29, 2007
posted by Ben Wren | 8:44 PM | permalink
Lots of news today

Romney goes after Clintons:
Romney attacks Clintons 'Iraq policy'
“I don’t think we should run our foreign policy based upon elections, election
schedules or anything of that nature.”

Clinton campaign responds
Its always good to get under her skin enough to elicit a response.

More NRI Summit:
The Hill Romney addresses most social issues; mum on immigration
NR's Lowry: Not impressed

Romney in South Carolina with Sen. Jim Demint(R-SC):
Where he was
Picks up 3 major endorsements:
Romney was endorsed by former Governor Jim Edwards, the first Republican
elected governor in South Carolina since Reconstruction. He also gained
endorsements from former U-S Representative Tommy Hartnett and Republican
National Committeewoman Cindy Costa.

NH Poll:
Giuliani 33
McCain 32
Romney 21
Other 11
Undecided 3
From Boston's CBS 4:
...Mitt Romney up sharply over recent polling at 21 percent.For Romney,
it's an early sign that his strategy of courting the right on social issues is
paying off among GOP conservatives.And it leaves Giuliani and McCain facing the
same fate as Edwards and Obama - they split the moderates, and Romney runs right
through the hole they create.
Not a bad showing for Romney. This is a Survey USA poll of 412 Likely Republican Primary Voters and has a margin of error of +/- 4.9%

McCain trying to get under Romney's Skin:
Red Sox pitcher Curt Shilling endorsing McCain
McCain kicking off Express tour in....Massachusetts

These are certainly interesting moves on McCain's part. It certainly shows you who he thinks is his biggest threat to the nomination.

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