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Friday, February 2, 2007
posted by Scott Allan | 2:17 PM | permalink
We all knew Hillary was up to no good with her failed socialist universal health care program. Now Hillary is stating she wants to seize the profits of oil companies and start a "strategic energy fund". I think she is slipping from her carefully crafted moderate position. This is good information for Mitt to have when he faces her in the general election. After all, Mitt is an extremely successful capitalist and instituted an innovative Republican style health care program in Massachusetts. For someone who claims to care about the common worker, Ms. Rodham is quite reckless with our economy and our jobs. Let's let Mitt handle our economy and health care instead.

On a related note see this website:

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"I want to take your money and and give it to the goverment. Because you are too stupid to decide what to do with it."


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