posted by Scott Allan | 12:17 PM |

I'd like to introduce myself. I am Scott Allan of
Scott Allan's World and I am honored to have been invited into My Man Mitt's Blogger Pool. I have included a picture of my beautiful family since I am nothing without them. I blog about anything that interests me including family, sports, news, technology, and entertainment with a strong emphasis on politics.
Here is my post where I endorsed Mitt Romney on January 9, 2007.
I grew up in Massachusetts and voted for Romney when he ran a good race against Ted Kennedy. Growing up in Massachusetts and ending up a Republican is not an easy task. My father was a Reagan Republican and showed me the the virtues and benefits of conservatism, self-reliance, hard work, equal opportunity, capitalism, low taxes, and love of my country. I majored in Politics at Brandeis University and was probably one of three Republicans on campus. The experience was good as I was highly exposed to progressive liberalism which not only strengthened my conservative beliefs, but also gave me some perspective on how the other side thinks.
I moved to the more Republican friendly New Hampshire shortly before Romney was elected Governor of Massachusetts, but I followed the election and his term as Governor closely. I have since moved down to Birmingham, Alabama which I must say is quite different from the culture of Massachusetts. I love living here. It's very family oriented and people down here LOVE the United States of America as they should.
I hope to be able to contribute to this blog from time to time. For today, I just wanted to mention that Ann Coulter was on
Hannity and Colmes O'Reilly last night and was giving her opinion on the Republican candidates. She got quite excited when Mitt Romney's name was mentioned. He is clearly her favorite at the moment. Besides his stance on the issues, she likes the fact that he is a conservative in a liberal state and can convince liberals to vote for him. The liberal media darling Barack Obama may be charismatic and attractive but so far he's one dimensional and he's no Mitt Romney. Not only is Romney highly charming, he also has an incredible resume of success. As I always say, the more you hear Mitt, the more you'll like him.
Labels: blogs, mitt romney, Scott Allan
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