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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 4:10 PM | permalink
mitt romney, youtube, abortion, america, taxes, jihad, national reviewWe've taken pains to repurpose videos from the NRI Summit and upload them in sections to YouTube. As some reports have noted, there is a battle afoot on various social websites to overwhelm candidates with negative videos.

A good part of our efforts at are geared to win that battle. So, if you would, take a moment and view the videos below, add the channel to your subscriptions, leave comments, and rate them! Thanks.

Mitt Romney on Abortion

Mitt Romney on Teamwork

Mitt Romney on Budgets and Deficits

Mitt Romney on Business and Government

Mitt Romney on how NOT to do Healthcare

Mitt Romney on America's Strength

Mitt Romney on Taxes

Mitt Romney on Healthcare

Mitt Romney on Islamic Jihad

Mitt Romney on Staying Competitive

More videos will be added all the time!

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THANKS so much for doing this, guys! Mitt's YouTube presence was very unbalanced and I am so glad you are taking the steps to change that.


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