Governor Romney "Best Among Conservatives"
Fox News' Fred Barnes: "The candidate who's done the best among conservatives, I think, is Mitt Romney so far." (Fox News' "Special Report," 1/30/07)
ABC's Matthew Stuart: The Candidate With The "Buzz" Is Governor Mitt Romney. "One of the up-and-coming presidential candidates made a significant first trip to Iowa since throwing a hat into the increasingly crowded ring. As the candidate spent the day talking with Hawkeyes fans from Waterloo to Dubuque while campaigning at sports bars, making the mandatory ethanol factory visit, and shaking countless hands in between, one thing became clear: This candidate has buzz. Does this sound like Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.? Wrong. Try former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney." (Matthew Stuart, "The Surprise Hit Candidate In Iowa," ABC News, 1/29/07)
ABC's Terry Moran: "There's Clearly A Lot Of Buzz Around This Guy Right Now." "So after spending a long day campaigning in Iowa with Mitt Romney, I was struck by a couple of things: First, the number of people who came out to see him even now, a full year before the caucuses. There were a couple hundred people in both Waterloo and Dubuque - for a candidate with low name recognition at this point in the race. There's clearly a lot of buzz around this guy right now." (Terry Moran's Blog, "Mitt Romney: The Interview,", 1/29/07)
-Moran: Governor Romney Is "personable, polite, cheerful, nice all the time, it seems." (ABC's "Nightline," 1/29/07)
- Moran: "But a lot of people think Mitt Romney is going to be a formidable candidate. He's got the money, the skills, the looks, and the track record that might appeal to a lot of Republicans." (ABC's "Nightline," 1/29/07)
Conservative Radio Host Mike Gallagher: "I've interviewed Mitt Romney a number of times. I like his ideology, he's right on the issues." (Fox News' "Fox Online," 1/30/07)
The Washington Post's Shailagh Murray: "But watch out for Mitt Romney. He is proving himself to be a patient and focused candidate, and he started laying the groundwork for this a long time ago. ... I expect he'll have a strong start this first quarter, which could snowball into who-knows-what." (The Washington Post's "Post Politics Hour,", 1/29/07)
Large Crowds Greet Governor Romney In Iowa And South Carolina:
ABC's Matthew Stuart: "Romney's Trip To Iowa Friday Gathered Hundreds Of Supporters In This Key Primary State." "While the New York senator ultimately garnered most of the headlines Monday morning, most noting her 'evil men' joke, Romney's trip to Iowa Friday gathered hundreds of supporters in this key primary state." (Matthew Stuart, "The Surprise Hit Candidate In Iowa," ABC News, 1/29/07)
- Stuart: "More Than 200" People Attend Event In Waterloo, Iowa. "Throughout the day, Romney presented himself as a personable, smart candidate, hoping to 'convince a few people that [he's] somebody who's worth giving a second look.' Stopping at Beck's Restaurant in Waterloo, the 'few people' turned out to be more than 200, and they didn't just come for the free food." (Matthew Stuart, "The Surprise Hit Candidate In Iowa," ABC News, 1/29/07)
The [Columbia, SC] State: Governor Romney Greeted By "A Standing Room Only Crowd" In Columbia, South Carolina. "A standing room only crowd greeted presidential candidate Mitt Romney this morning at the Lizard's Thicket on Elmwood Avenue in Columbia. The former Massachusetts governor and Republican presidential hopeful worked the crowd as servers delivered steaming plates of eggs, grits and cinnamon apples to diners that found themselves surrounded by television cameras and photographers." (The State's "S.C. Politics Today," Blog, "Romney Campaigns At Columbia Lizard's Thicket,", 1/30/07)
Aiken [SC] Standard: "The Rotary Club of Aiken was standing room only Monday as former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said America needs to correct a few problems if it wants to remain the leader of the free world." (Philip Lord, "Presidential Bid Brings Romney To Aiken," Aiken [SC] Standard, 1/30/07)
Romney Exploratory Committee Building Strong State Organizations:
ABC's Terry Moran: "He's already assembled a top-flight campaign team. They managed to pack every event when we were with him. And he's done his homework on the issues." (ABC's "Nightline," 1/29/07)
Politico's Jonathan Martin: "...Romney is building a very solid Iowa team." (Jonathan Martin, The Politico's "Politics '08" Blog, "Mitt's Hawkeye For Talent,", 1/30/07)
The Associated Press : Romney Picks Up "Key Endorsements" In South Carolina. "On a cold winter day that made it seem more like New Hampshire than South Carolina, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney picked up three key endorsements Monday in the state with the first southern presidential primary. ... He was endorsed by former Gov. Jim Edwards, the first Republican elected governor in South Carolina since Reconstruction, former U.S. Rep. Tommy Hartnett and Republican National Committeewoman Cindy Costa." (Bruce Smith, "Romney Campaigns In SC With Sen. DeMint," The Associated Press, 1/29/07)
Detroit Free Press : "Romney, whose late father, George, was Michigan's governor in the 1960s, has developed a formidable Michigan organization. His team includes top fund-raisers, members of Congress and about 50 legislators." (Dawson Bell and Chris Christoff, "Pace For '08 Race Quickens In State," Detroit Free Press, 1/26/07)
St. Petersburg Times: Governor Mitt Romney "Is Far And Away Ahead In Organizing In Florida." "He may be little known across Florida, but presidential candidate Mitt Romney of Massachusetts is far and away ahead in organizing in Florida. He hired some of the top political operatives, already has a regional field staff up and running, and was the only Republican to have any kind of presence at the Republican Party's quarterly meeting at Disney Friday and Saturday. One of his sons, Josh Romney, schmoozed the crowd, dotted with Romney '08 stickers." (Adam C. Smith, "7 Voters Save Crist From Political Embarrassment," St. Petersburg Times, 1/28/07)
The Miami Herald: "The Romney Team Held A Full-Court Press" At The Florida Republican Convention. "The Romney team held a full-court press. They invited activists to a hospitality suite and brought the son to meetings with party leaders from every county - all of whom would vote in a straw poll. At the Friday night reception, former party chairman Al Cardenas and U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney walked him on stage." (Beth Reinhard, "GOP Elects Crist Ally As Leader," The Miami Herald, 1/28/07)
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