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Friday, February 2, 2007
posted by jason | 10:53 PM | permalink
Hat Tip to HeavyM at Race42008 (HeavyM also put together the following chart.) The latest ARG poll shows these numbers:

McCain 27% (29)
Rudy 20% (25)
Romney 20% (9)
Gingrich 11% (14)
All others - below 1%
Undecided 21% (17)
(Numbers in Parenthesis are Dec. Poll Numbers)

What's intersting is that Romney shot up 11 percent while Guiliani loosing 5, McCain loosing 2 and Gingrich loosing 3 (total of 10 between the 3). Romney seems to draw evenly from all three. Most impressively is this is done with a few small meeting and not much else. Wait till the debates get going an Romney starts hitting the PR mode of his campaign.

Prediction: If Romney keeps this surge up for the next year, by next January he will be at 152% Way to go Romney!!

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There is definitely another "surge" that needs all of our attention.

Its exciting to watch... It will be a fun 2 years.

Fox News just talked about it a few minutes ago!

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