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Sunday, January 28, 2007
posted by Ben Wren | 10:47 AM | permalink
Romney facing more fire than other GOP hopefuls

Several Democratic political strategists say of the candidates now hoping for
the 2008 Republican nomination, Romney is a fearsome contender. The good-looking businessman has charisma, a history of private sector experience and a golden platform on health care reform.

Since Election Day, the Democratic National Committee has issued 15 news releases slamming Romney - more than any other Republican eyeing the White House. Arizona Sen. John McCain, one of the frontrunners, was the subject of 11, while former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is polling at the head of the pack, felt heat from only one release.

National Review Institute Roundup:
ABC: Romney Acknowledges Shift on Abortion
Boston Globe: Romney emphasizes conservative credentials
CBN: Anti-Abortion Romney, Glance at Underdogs
Hotline: Romney Reviews his Conversion Experience
KJL at NRO's The Corner

SEIU Praises Romney:

On ex-MA Gov. Mitt Romney’s health care plan: “You have to give him credit for
it. He was willing to step up and do something.” She said the SEIU would “love
to here Mitt Romney talk about how he wants to expand” health care.
Christian Right weighs in
A really good and interesting article. A disturbing piece of it though:

(James)Dobson seriously questioned whether a Mormon could be elected president
of the United States. Wanting to make sure the word got out, the McCain campaign
distributed Dobson’s comments to reporters.

Kate O'Beirne in National Review on Romney's Pro-life Views

State of the Race (good profiles on the candidates)

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — He’s riding Statehouse success on
health-care reform and other issues and impressing analysts with staff and
fund-raising. Will conservatives trust his convictions after apparent changes of
position on abortion and gay rights?
South Carolina Primary

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Mitt is no conervative. I'm sick of liberal RINOs.

MassResistance is a bunch of extremist whackos who give conservatives a bad name. For the real story, go to

MassResistance is a massive mess of misinformation.

Further, who's you man of MassResistance? Who's your conservative? No viable alternatives exist. Nope to McCain. Nope to Guliani. Yawn and big nope to Brownback ('94 convert to the pro-life movement). You just like taking potshots from a distance w/ no better choice.

Woops. Who's the man of MassResistance? Who's your viable non-RINO?

Hey, MassResistance Minion,

You're right. Mitt is not a conervative. He's a conservative. And a fine one at that. In fact, he's of sufficient caliber to be selected by the committee that drew up the NRI CONSERVATIVE Summit program. And guess what? He was the CONSERVATIVE Summit's keynote speaker. They obviously believe he's more than a RINO. He's the best the conservative they've got. Get over it!

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