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Monday, October 15, 2007
posted by Beth Barnat | 11:02 AM | permalink
“How could anyone vote for a man who doesn’t have the brains to realize he belongs to a cult?
-- posted at a conservative website - referring to Governor Mitt Romney

I often see posts like this on some of the conservative blogs I read, so I thought I would do a little research and found a website called, and came up with the following list.

I don’t think anyone would argue that the following people don’t have “brains.”

Nolan Archibald, CEO, Black & DeckerJerry Atkin, CEO, Sky West, Inc.
Gary Baughman, Retired CEO, Fisher-Price
Stephen Covey, Chairman, Franklin Covey Co.
Gary Crittenden, CFO, American Express
Ron Dittemore, Director, Space Shuttle Program
Van Johnson, CEO, Sutter Health
Richard King, President, Albertsons
Steve Lund, CEO, NuSkin International
J.W. Marriott, Jr., Chairman, Marriott International
Dimon McPherson, CEO, Nationwide Insurance
David Neeleman, CEO, Jet Blue Airways
George Romney (1907-1995), Chairman, American Motors Corp.
Kevin Rollins, former CEO, Dell Computer Corp.
Lt. Gen. Brent Snowcroft, Retired USAF, National Security Advisor to both Presidents Ford and Bush from 1982 to 1989
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Sr. VP, Lufthansa - German Airlines
Kay Whitmore (1932-2004), CEO, Eastman Kodak
Gary Allan, Country Western Singer
Eric Dodge, Country Western Singer
Gladys Knight, Performer
Bob Bennett, U.S. Senator (R), Utah
John Doolittle, Congressman (R), California
Orrin Hatch, Senator (R), Utah
Jon Huntsman, Jr., Governor (R), Utah
Steve Young, Retired Quarterback, Tampa Bay Bucaneers and S.F. 49ers

The people listed above have one thing in common.
They are all Mormons.

There are many more, too many to list here.

There is also a video based on a book entitled, “The Mormon Way of Doing Business” and you can find it at YouTube here.

“Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form.”
-- Albert Einstein (1879-1955), quoted in New York Times, March 19, 1940
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Ty Detmer, NFL QB. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader. Ezra Taft Benson, Former secretary of Agriculture. Mike Leavitt, Secretary of Health & Human Services.

I think you meant The link takes you to a spam page.

How about Philo T. Farnsworth, the inventor of the television?

For over 100 years Mormons have served in the U.S. Congress and in the Cabinet, as well as in the Federal Judiciary and as ambassadors.

Here is a sampling:

Senator Reed Smoot, first LDS member of Congress, seated after a years-long debate about Mormonism at the turn of the Century. He served for 30 years.

J. Reuben Clark, Ambassador to Mexico in the 30s, served in the Church First Presidency till the 60s.

Ivy Baker Priest, U.S. Treasurer under Eisenhower

Rex Lee, US Solicitor General (under Bush or Reagan)

Professor Roger Porter, Harvard, served President Ford as a White House Fellow as recording secretary to the Cabinet. He currently teaches a course for freshman Senators and Congressmen on how to get around the Capitol and do their jobs!

Judges (a sampling):

J.Clifford Wallace, Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit, currently Senior Status

Randall Rader, Judge of the CAFC and Professor of Intellectual Property George Washington University Law School

Senators (a sampling):

Gordon Smith

At least 15 Mormons are currently serving in Congress, 12 Republicans and 3 Democrats.

There have been at least 5 Cabinet Members, thus by constitutional definition in the line of succession to the President

Ezra Taft Benson, while an LDS Apostle in the 50s served as Secretary of Agriculture, thus in the line of succession of both President and Mormon Prophet. He later became Prophet and President of the Church in the 80s.

George Romney, HUD Secretary under Nixon

David M. Kennedy, Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan

Stuart Udall, Interior

Mike Leavitt, Current HHS Secretary and former Utah Governor; therefore currently in line of succession.

How about Henry Eyring?

"Eyring was a giant of 20th century physical chemistry. In over 600 scientific papers and 10 books he contributed to many areas of science, but is probably best known for his theory of absolute reaction rates and for the concept of the "activated complex" (transition state) in chemical reactions. The most influential of his co-authored books were "The Theory of Rate Processes" (1941) and "Quantum Chemistry" (1944), but he also published seminal works on the theory of liquids, optical rotation, rate processes in biology and medicine, aging and cancer, anesthesiology and many other areas."

"Among Eyring's numerous honors were the Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry (1964), the Langmuir Award (1967), the Pauling (1969), T. W. Richards (1975), Priestley (1975) and Berzelius (1979) Medals, and the Wolf Prize (1980). Eyring served the profession in many capacities, including President of the ACS (1963) and of the AAAS (1965)."

Hey, I'm on that website as well, although I'm not nearly as famous as others. I do interact with highly creative and sometimes frighteningly intelligent Mormons on a regular basis. Mormonism is a religion that inspires deep analysis and profound thought, something that the garden (weed-patch) variety bigot will never understand.

Anonymous: Thanks for the heads up!

Also, add all the famous Mormons to this list that you know -- this list is entirely incomplete!

Anonymous: Thanks for the heads up!

Also, add all the famous Mormons to this list that you know -- this list is entirely incomplete!


You guys (and gals) forgot Jon Heder... lol

"the garden (weed-patch) variety bigot"

Anon - I love this phrase! And oh, so true.

Ok, so Mormons are brainless? I wonder, however, which Presidential administration was the most "Mormon"? Surely, this administration would be demonstrated as "brainless" and inept. Well, historically, the most "Mormon" presidency was Ronald Reagan's. So, by that logic, if you think that Ronald Reagan was a bad president then vote against the "Mormon", but if think that the Reagan administration had "brains" then surely you have to vote for the Mormon because of the good then did during the Reagan years.

"[Ronald Reagan's] administration included more members of the Church than any other American president, ever. Three of us, David Fischer, Gregory Newell and [Stephen M. Studdert], served on his personal White House staff. Richard Wirthlin was his chief strategist. Ted Bell served as Secretary of Education, Angela Buchanan was Treasurer, Rex Lee was Solicitor General. His White House included Roger Porter, Brent Scowcroft, Richard Beal, Blake Parish, Jon Huntsman Jr., Dodie Borup and Rocky Kuonen, and there were many other Latter-day Saints throughout his Administration." -Stephen M. Studdert, Special Assistant to President Reagan

Has anyone added Pat Buchanan's sister - was it Fay Buchanan? her signature was on US currency as the Treasurer, I think.

Ken Jennings

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