posted by Justin Hart | 4:08 PM |
Newt is up here and kills as usual. One thing I defiantly agree with: "Americans are sick of Red vs. Blue fighting. They want Red, White and Blue."
He is by far one of the best speakers we have in the conservative movement. His only drawback is that he holds so much baggage right now. Regardless, we can't afford to ignore this man. He has the ideas.
My reaction so far?
- McCain - Had a very good speech. He is well respected and spoke from personal stories. But the audience knows they just cannot see eye to eye with this guy
- Thompson - Was very "homey" and "folksy" (which I like) but he just had so little energy about him. People want to be excited about him... but they can't see that excitement in him.
- Tancredo - Very well received. Locally here he may do well in the straw poll... but the poll is going to be won online. (More on this later)
- Hunter - Hunter is Hunter. Good speech... but not really well organized. Dark and dreary.
- Paul - Boy... he's a character. He may win the online poll (knowing the Pauline Nutroots). Nice applause... just an odd ball.
- Brownbank - gracious. Almost the same stump speech from CPAC. Farewell good fellow.
Great other speeches coming soon. Love being here
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