posted by Kyle Hampton | 5:48 PM |
Rich Lowry
gives the heads up on a new South Carolina poll showing Romney making a move there.
Public Policy Polling Republican South Carolina Primary
Thompson - 22%
Giuliani - 18%
Romney - 17%
McCain - 11%
Huckabee - 7%
Brownback - 3%
Paul - 2%
Survey was done August 13 of 749 likely primary voters, and has an MoE of 3.6%.
I can’t vouch for the methods and accuracy of the poll, but it seems South Carlolinians didn’t realize they weren’t supposed to pay any attention to Iowa Straw Poll headlines. Also, Romney was ticking up a bit nationally prior to the straw poll.
For those not following the South Carolina polls (and I can't blame you for that), Romney's numbers have generally followed his national numbers, hovering around 10% on average.
RCP had his average at 7.3% in South Carolina. This new poll shows a marked improvement and possibly a sign of good things to come. This also follows
a national trend showing that has Romney ticking upward. The last three polls (Rasmussen, Quinipiac, and ARG) show Romney surging consistently if not spectacularly.
Justin has been the best at explaining all the horserace stuff and nuts and bolts of politicing, but it seems like Romney's old school strategy is working. South Carolina, Florida, and other states that other Republican candidates have been banking on look like Iowa and New Hampshire of a couple of months ago. Now, with the early winning, consistently spectacular debate performances, and grassroots organization, Romney is poised to take the lead in those states. Also, for all the grief that pundits gave Romney for his investment in Ames (even with a solid win), it too seems to be paying off, as Lowry seems to have noted.
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