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Thursday, August 16, 2007
posted by jason | 9:23 PM | permalink
I just got back from the Illinois Straw Poll, here are the results:

1. Mitt Romney -- 40.35%
2. Fred Thompson -- 19.96%
3. Ron Paul -- 18.87%
4. Rudy Giuliani -- 11.61%
5. John McCain -- 4.12%
6. Mike Huckabee -- 3.04%
7. Sam Brownback -- 1.08%
8. Duncan Hunter -- .65%
9. Tom Tancredo -- .33%

I have no idea of the number of votes cast although I would guess the total number of people at the picnic was 3-400. It was pouring rain, so I am sure this could account partially for the low attendance. It was at the Illinois State Fair, and the fairgrounds were empty. To his credit, Craig Romney stood out in the pouring rain and welcomed visitors and voters to the picnic, and I have a good interview of that.

While there I had the chance to meet Race42008 commenter "Bjalder" and family. I will have some videos up of the event tomorrow over at I will post a couple interviews here that I did of Ron Paul supporters. It takes a while to download.

Now one point to make. I am 100% positive the Fred's campaign tried to organize for this. It didn't work. And McCain had a terrible showing, of course, not as bad as Tancredo, but still pretty bad.

Andy Mckenna, State GOP Chair had this to say:

"Congratulations to Mitt Romney, whose strong showing today indicates he has begun to put together a strong statewide organization. There's no question that Illinois' demographics closely match those of the United States and this could be an indication as to whom Illinois voters are leaning toward this coming February."
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Cue the Mitt "Bought" this straw poll comments from the ignorati in 10,9,8,7,6,.....

Better be looking behind you brutha and fellow citizen...Ron Paul's momentum is growing...enjoy your victories while they last. However, congratulations and may the best man win :P

This was taken at the state fair, so I wonder how many people from the more metro areas of Illinois were there? Still, a win is a win!

Mitt had the percentage but and American Hero, Ron Paul, had the glory. In spite of the major media blackout on Ron Paul, his mometum is staggering. Freedom, Liberty and going back to what some people call an antiquated document, the Constitution, is a message of avalanche proportions. Dr. No had a big YES from Illinois.

Larry Friend
Virginia MN

Ron Paul got 174 votes.
Not really a rEVOLution, now is it.

An important thing to note is that a large percentage of voters for Mitt Romney were local leaders and organizers. Hmm, do I smell a Romney victory in Illinois?

The Ames victory is starting to grab the attention of the rest of the country!

Bill O'Reilly is conducting a poll, go there and vote for Mitt!

First of all, I have to give props to Ron Paul fans for being the ultimate optimists. That being said, if a baseball player goes from hitting .030 to .100, it's a little better, but it's still a slump.

In addition, I am pretty fed up with the constitution and freedom mantra on Ron Paullites - as if to say that those who do not vote for Ron Paul do not believe in either the constitution or freedom. What a ridiculous stance to take.

Who ya gonna call...RON PAUL.!!!!
If Your Lookin For SH*T..Vote MITT!
Ron Paul For President!!!!!!

More classy Ron Paul supporters. Paul should be embarrassed.

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