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Friday, August 24, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:46 PM | permalink
Romney: Mass. Health Plan Can Be Copied, Glen Johnson, AP
Romney Won't Adapt Mass. Plan, Perry Bacon Jr., Washington Post
Romney's Federal Prescription, Mary Jacoby and Sarah Lueck, Wall Street Journal
Romney to Pitch a State-by-State Health Insurance Plan, Michael Luo, NY Times
Romney to detail his healthcare Rx, Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe

H/T Marc Ambinder.

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Not sure I would call it flip floppring but it sure does show that reporters do indeed let their biases reflect in their reporting.

Any guesses on how long it is before we see a new flip flop meme that Romney's national health care proposals are different than the one in MA?

You know, disregarding the fact that he's been saying it would be somewhat different for the last year...

More a joke than anything. Just thought I would turn the tables on the press.

If there was ever a candidate who knew about flip-flopping it would be the Mitt-Man. How many times did he flip-flop on the abortion issue. Mitt had a different abortion stand depending on the day of the week. Mitt needs to come clean on the abortion issue. Thousands of naive Mormon girls had abortions because Mitt said it was perfectly OK. Mitt needs to admit to this or it will hang around his neck like a three-day old fish. We will be checking to see if any of the Romney sons ok'ed the abortions of any of their "offsprings to be." The sons of Mitt's better come clean too. Dont kid yourself, we will defeat Mitt Romney even if it means a return to the presidency of one Bill Clinton.

God bless you Mitt Hits the Fan.
I hope you can find some peace in your life and move on to something constructive and worthwhile.

That is the same post you previously posted, fan person. Whomever you are, if you want to have a sensible discussion, okay, but quit the blog graffiti.


You're a funny guy. Or at least, your intellectually inept attacks always give me a good laugh. I guess that wasn't your intention though. Still, I appreciate it.

Dont take my word for it, go ahead and research Mitt Romney's past, present, and future stand on abortion. Mitt sticks his finger to the wind and then determines what his stand on abortion is going to be for the up coming week. Mitt changes his stand on abortion about as often as he changes his garmies.


If not for your distasteful anti-Mormon slur, your comment would have sent me to the floor in laughter. As it is, I just shook my head and chuckled. Consider the irony: You, the great ignoramus, are suggesting that other people need to research?

We have done our research. We're aware he was effectively pro-life and that he made statements about strongly supporting a woman's right to choose. We're aware that he changed to the pro-life position in 2004. We're aware of Brownback's clip trying to show him as pro-choice again in 2005.

Actions speak louder than words. He ACTED for the pro-life movement as governor and I don't believe he'll change again. Moreover, even if I believed his position changes on abortion were out of political expediency (which I don't) would Rudy be a better option (still pro-choice, used to favor late term abortion rights)?

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