In case you missed this nice write-up about a speech Romney gave on Thursday in PA for McCain, here it is. Jonathan martin points out Romney downplays his VP chances.
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Would love to see Mitt Romz as VP. I want to see the panic in the Evangelical Zealots who oppose him strictly for religious differences. Thought us americans moved to america to escape religious discrimination. The discriminators just followed us here. Go Mitt Romz.....Ron Reagz Believes in you.
They will panic but it will not be because of Romney.
Based on McCain’s call to help former rival Rudy (and not others) raise money to eliminate primary debt, I believe Rudy will be McCain’s pick. I put down Rudy’s chances as 80%. He mets the criteria of the VP which McCain has laid out. Rudy is very vetted and he has already given Social conservatives a rationale to vote for him — he would appoint pro-life judges. And given that McCain will take public funding, Rudy might be the one who would help him compete in the blue states where he would be allocated money to spend.
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