Huckabee is just upset that he is not getting any face time while Romney is campaigning for McCain and is still in the news. I believe he did not know about this as much as he had no plan on letting out that commercial he made and paid for but then had the news conference to say he was not going to show it after he shows it to them. Slimy, sleezy, and not an honest person.
I think this is a joke. Wasn't there a problem with conservatives not backing McCain because he's not a true conservative...but now I guess...they think he's a conservative and won't vote for him "again" if McCain chooses a true conservative as a VP. Pretty twisted logic if you ask me.
The mentality of Huck Supporters has always been very short-sited and idiotic.
They claim to stand for pro-life, pro-social-conservative principles - yet they insist on voting against those principles if the name Mitt Romney happens to be involved.
Once again Huckabee shows his willingness to put his own agenda above the willingness of others to pull the party together. Thank goodness a man (?) like him never stood a chance.
Huckabee's about to explode with jealousy and angry feelings he can't understand. Hold yourself together man! Mitt is not a threat to you! Let it go......breathe in..... breathe the negativity out....
It's funny when Mike Up-Chuck-abee claims that he had nothing to do with the ad but he doesn't want to repudiate the ad. What a weasel! He tries to get it both ways always. Lance in TX- good point above. This is a lot like that news conference. Up-Chuck-abee has no money so he has to get the press to disseminate his message around for him. That's one of the main reasons that Up-Chuck-abee hates Romney so much. Up-Chuck-abee has a huge issue of class envy. He'd make a good Maxist.
The Huckster is very sneaky and very anti-Mormon.There would be a lot more rejection of him being the VP pick than Romney.Why haven't you seen the Huckster out campaigning for McCain? Is he too busy lining his own pockets giving private speeches? huck isn't a "company man" he's out for himself.I think McCainis going to wait until he sees who the dems have on their ticket. I still think he'll pick Alaska's governor.
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