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Thursday, January 11, 2007
posted by Kevin Davis Jr. | 12:33 PM | permalink
Is America Ready to Elect a Mormon President? That is a question that the media keeps bringing up, and loves to talk about. I think that if you change the question to:
In the 2008 Presidential Election, would you vote for a Mormon by the name of Mitt Romney?
I think that the answer would be yes among these categories:
People that would say or vote yes:

1: Conservative Evangelicals would say yes to a president Mitt Romney as he is the most conservative, both "Fiscally" and "Socially" of the republicans "Big 3".
2: Conservative Politicians who are not afraid of a backlash and/or threats from a certain Republican that resides in Arizona and his allies.
3: People that are Socially Moderates, but yet are Fiscally Conservative and looking for some one to clean up the Federal Governments "Super-Sized" spending.
4: People that want "Roe vs. Wade" overturned and the abortion issue sent back to the States (where it should have originally been).
5: People that want a Constitutional Amendment passed Defining marriage as between "1 male & 1 female". Of the "Big 3" only Mitt Romney can be counted on to to support a conservative Federal Marriage Amendment. While Mitt Romney sent a letter to the Senate pleading with them to vote "yes" on the FMA John McCain voted no on the FMA, and Rudy Giuliani is socially liberal.

And a "no" among these categories:
People that would say or vote no:

1: The Clinton's.
2: Pro-choice advocates.
3: Supporters of Same Sex Marriage.
4: John McCain.
5: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is also a Mormon.
6: A few "Liberal" Mormons.
7: Liberals & Democrats.

In conclusion I believe that America is ready for a Mormon president, that is if his name happens to be "Mitt Romney"!

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