This was an impressive sortie in political discourse using new media as a the medium of choice. As Hugh Hewitt noted:
Romney's push-back at the YouTubing of his '94 debate with ted Kennedy --happening in rapid response fashion-- means an entire news cycle on a somewhat significant story has played out before even one newspaper reported it, with the anti-Romney forces (clearly worried about the big $ Monday and the deMint Tuesday) trying to put a stick in the spokes, and Romney's team finding a way to knock it down in the same cycle. here
In other news the new media stories describe advertising on blogs. This from MediaPost:
Gov. Mitt Romney, who announced his presidential exploratory committee last week, also ran a series of blog ads on right- and libertarian-leaning blogs, including,, the blog network, and Romney's spokesman, Kevin Madden, said the candidate intends to run an "aggressive, innovative and integrated campaign" that will include search marketing.
Madden said that Romney hopes the blog ads will reach the most influential voters. "The effort is driven by our recognition of a very unique and motivated audience among New Media devotees," he said. "Our blog ads help reach this audience and drive traffic to our website and provide more information about Mitt Romney, his campaign, his ideas and how they can then in turn join our effort."
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