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Friday, January 12, 2007
posted by Andrew | 1:26 AM | permalink
I know this site has already linked to the great Romney appearance on the Glenn & Helen Show podcast, but I was so taken by the Governor's words on foreign policy that I had to transcribe them by hand and relay them here:
"With regards to the broader issue, of the war against the Jihadists and radical Islam, I think we have to stand back and not just react to what's been thrown at us, but also to do what, well, if you will, what Dwight Eisenhower called upon when he was inaugurated in 1952 - he said America has to wage 'all-out peace.' He was referring to a two-step program: one, a very strong, unquestionably capable military; and two, an effort to use our resources to move unaligned nations toward America. Today we've gotta have the same kind of campaign."

"A much stronger military capability, and at the same time, an effort to use the resources of the civilized world to help the world of Islam move toward modernity and moderation. To support those people, and institutions, and governments who are, and which are, moderate and modern. And that's gonna mean everything from making sure their public schools are not Wahabi schools, financial institutions, economic and agricultural policies, and the like, that move these nations towards modernity. That's fundamentally where we have to go. And it's gonna be a long campaign, but it's gonna take a highly strategic plan for every single country to help move these nations in a direction that leads to world stability."

"There was this "'holiday from history,' as George Will called it, when America presumed that the Cold War was over and peace was going to last forever - but that ,unfortunately, has been rescinded, if you will. We now recognize that radical Islam and the spread of nuclear technology suggests a potentially dangerous world. and America needs to be very strong: speaking softly, but carrying a big stick."
Forget how amazingly well-spoken Mr. Romney is for just a moment - is any other candidate offering such a multilateral and comprehensively multi-avenue view of the U.S.'s global role? I think not.

Really, I can't urge you enough to go check out this 30-ish minute interview for yourself. Other highlights: the candidate discusses how his Mass. free-market-based universal healthcare coverage plan could transfer to the national level. He also states, if indirectly, that he doesn't support favoring specific genders or races (a veiled attack on Affirmative Action); the governor reiterates that he is also against discrimination of individuals based on sexual preference.

Also, Governor Romney takes a stance on the "surge" plan: he would have planned better and for more troops before entering Iraq, but given the current situation, he has consulted with many military officials and has concluded that the "surge" as proposed by the President has the potential to be helpful to the Iraqi condition. He states that no option is a guarantee for success, but he believes adding more forces most enhances our chances for success.

"American strength is the best ally for peace in the world, and a strong America has to be our objective." - Mitt Romney

There's more - listen for yourself!
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