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Thursday, June 28, 2007
posted by Jeff Fuller | 1:11 AM | permalink
How can a negative article be good news for a campaign?

A recent piece from Time Magazine is titled "Romney's Cruel Canine Vacation" tries to expose Mitt Romney as a heartless animal abuser.

Here's the good news . . . while Giuliani is getting hammered for dropping in the polls and his handling of 9/11, McCain is taking a beating over immigration and his flailing campaign, and Fred Thompson is going through his first round of vetting, the best they can come up with now against Romney is perceived animal cruelty nearly 25 years ago. There may be 3 or 4 Americans who will not vote for Romney because of this incident, but, something tells me they wouldn't be voting for any Republican anyway.

This, my friends, is the sign of a solid candidate running an excellent campaign.

Jeff Fuller
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Here is one version of the story at Time:,8599,1638065,00.html
I find this particular article to be absolutely outrageous. To compare this to Romney's support of aggressive interrogation of terrorists? Absolutely irresponsible in my opinion.

Second of all, is anyone else skeptical that the MA animal cruelty law would cover this even by a stretched reading? According to other accounts, Romney biult a windshield for the carrier to limit the pressure of the wind. How is this different than riding in a convertible? Would it be unnecessarily cruel or inhuman to have an animal carrier in a convertible? Of course not. Absolutely scurilous, in my estimation. People do a lot of violent acts to animals that juries regularly equit on and we want to fixate on this? Give me a break. Really, a highly unnecessary character attack.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 28, 2007 at 4:26 PM  

I just heard on the radio Romney's repsonse is, "PETA is upset my dog likes fresh air"

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 29, 2007 at 3:19 PM  

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