With Romney's rise in early states and his strong organization coupled with strong resume, Romney has become the "betters" choice among Senators and Congressman it appears. John from Powerline blogs that many Senators are regrouping to Mitt:
I was in Washington today for a combination of business, politics and pleasure. I met with a number of Republican Congressmen and Senators, attended a press conference, and followed events on the Senate floor. Here are a few random thoughts on the day's events...
* The Fred Thompson campaign recently set up an event for 60 of Congress's most solid conservatives. Many of them were hoping to be able to endorse Thompson. Unfortunately, Thompson did not impress the Congressmen. He did not appear to be ready for a tough Presidential campaign. One of his aides explained that Thompson was "rusty," which, as one Congressman told me, did not inspire much confidence in this YouTube era. Some of those who attended are now looking at Mitt Romney as the most viable conservative in the race.
On the Senatorial side we have two solid senators (Talent and Bennett) making the same claim. Granted, both are Romney supporters, yet both are solid Conservatives with a reputation among the party faithful. One participant at Monday's fundraising event in Boston, who is very close to the campaign, sent me this in an email and gave me permission to quote:
I had a similar discussion with Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina, also a passionate supporter. He told me that the vast majority of his Senate colleagues, both Republican and Democrat, feel that Mitt will be the Republican nominee. He also said that a majority of his Democrat associates in the Senate feel that Mitt would be the toughest opponent for their nominee based on his skills, message and personality.
And we all remember from a few days ago my interview with Bob Bennett:
It should also be noted that a man at the table I sat with in Boston spoke to Bennett and the Senator told him that Bill Clinton himself expressed that the Clinton's are planning on a Hillary v. Romney match up. I also find it interesting that with several Senators and Former Senators in the running, we see that majority still looks to Romney.
Now this begs the question, do endorsements from Congress matter? Of course they do. Evidence number 1: All the candidates are working to woo the support of Congress. Congressman and Senators have long lists of supporters, contributors and networks from their own campaigns. Generally congressman and senators enjoy some degree of popularity within their districts/states and generally have the support and sway of their state party.
Bennett alludes to Senators who are endorsing other candidates but their hearts are in Boston. This isn't a surprise. As we saw with Blackburn, sometimes state party politics and future political aspirations trump your own personal preferences. That's not criticism, just reality.
So it will be interesting to see how many Senators decide to get in the fray and when. Then we will see how correct this information I have gleaned is.
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Great scoop Jason! It is a bit encouraging to hear this come from multiple sources.
It doesn't give reason to get overconfident, as the "political asiprations trump your own personal preferences" elements can work both ways. On that score, I am particularly curious about the efforts Fred Thompson must be making to wooo Jim DeMint over into his camp. SC is a stronghold for Thompson, and may put DeMint in an awkward situation if Thompson's star continues to rise there. I personally believe that Romney needs to retain both DeMint's endorsement and his firm vocal support in order to win South Carolina . . . it's going to be a tough contest down there.
Having said that, there is plenty of reason to be optimistic!
Nice Romneyspin on a meeting that actually took place back in April. Strangely, news reports at the time had no mention of a failure on Fred's part to "impress the Congressmen," nor that FDT did not "appear to be ready for a tough Presidential campaign," nor of Fred being "rusty," nor that Thompson "did not inspire much confidence," and especially not mentioning that some of the attendees "are now looking at Mitt Romney as the most viable conservative in the race."
The Associated Press is not known for being GOP-friendly or fair to conservatives. Yet the actual AP news report of the meeting at the time carried the headline “House GOP Gush Over Actor Fred Thompson.”
Here’s an excerpt from the story:
“WASHINGTON — The welcome for Fred Thompson wasn’t just warm, it was effusive. The former Tennessee senator and actor is still weighing whether to run for the GOP presidential nomination but House Republicans who met with him Wednesday gushed over the prospects of Thompson candidacy.”
“They called him presidential, a leader, a proven conservative, an exciting prospect and ‘a breath of fresh air.’”
“Even those congressmen who wouldn’t yet commit offered praise.”
“’Very impressive,’ said Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Fla. ‘He has the charisma and the fortitude to lead our nation at what is a very difficult time.’ And Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., called Thompson a straight shooter, and said: ‘I’m looking for somebody that can excite America again.’”
I can understand Romney supporters wanting to put the best possible spin on events to help their guy. All political campaigns do that. But when you try to rewrite history, you're engaing in tactics more worthy of the Democrats.
A look at Mitt's numbers in the national polls shows what may be behind this:
Fox News/Opinion Dynamics (6/27) - 8% Rasmussen Reports (6/26) - 12% CNN/Opinion Research (6/25) - 9% Newsweek (6/23) - 12% Cook/RT Strategies (6/19) - 7% USA Today/Gallup - (6/18) - 7% Harris (6/14) - 11% American Research Group (6/13) - 10% NBCNews/WSJ (6/13) - 14% Quinnipiac (6/13) - 10% LA Times/Bloomberg (6/11) - 10% Associated Press/Ipsos (6/9) - 10% McLaughlin & Associates (6/5) - 8%
Average across all polls: 8.3%
No wonder Mitt's troops are engaging in acts of pure desperation. Although I'm a hard-core Fred supporter, I think Mitt Romney is one of the good guys and deserves better from his followers.
I had no idea quoting Powerline was pure seperation.
Coming to a Romney blog to post meaningless polling and telling us we should be afraid of Fred "No Accomplishment" Thompson is what reeks of desperation.
I accidently erased your comments in the moderation section. I really apologize. If you want to repost I will put them up. I know they were long, so I really apologize. We have to moderate comments do to the high amount of spam we would get other wise.
This may seem harsh. Fred Thompson is not a candidate for President. If he has the desire and the courage to step up and seek to articulate the direction he believes the country should go (hopefully something different than the direction he sent us as a lobbyist), then he should do so. Until he shows he actually has enough motivation to do something good for the country and isn't just flattered by the attention, he doesn't deserve serious consideration.
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