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Monday, July 2, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 2:08 PM | permalink
...or should I say down. McCain raised 11.2 million for the second quarter. CNN reports:
Republican John McCain reorganized his campaign Monday, cutting staff in every department as he raised just $11.2 million in the last three months and reported an abysmal $2 million cash on hand for his presidential bid.

Some 50 staffers or more are being let go, and senior aides will be subject to pay cuts as the Arizona senator bows to six months of subpar fundraising, according to officials with knowledge of the details of the shake up.

I haven't heard Romney's number yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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I wish I could raise 11.2 million in three months.
Having said that, the sooner McCain gets out of the race the better for HIM and his family.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 3:01 PM  

As McCain tanks and the Democrats continue posting exorbitant amounts, it become more important than ever that Republicans begin uniting around the best canidate, Mitt Romney. That 11 million dollars would have helped us elect Romney the next President. I don't mind if we only narrow it down to Mitt and Rudy, but we need to start focusing our efforts.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 3:28 PM  


That's kind of funny. I went to Boston thinking, man how about I have a fundraiser for my self, they seem to work pretty well.

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