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Monday, July 2, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:42 PM | permalink
To get an in depth look at the state of McCain's campaign right now, read this from David Freddoso at NRO.

One more thought came to me as I read through Marc Ambinder's run-down of the McCain numbers: McCain's campaign finances are an indictment on his ability to run a fiscally sound government. According to Freddoso, McCain raised $11.2 million in the second quarter, but spent $14.4 million, leaving just $2 million in cash on hand. Ambinder has another amazing number:
Though he wouldn't confirm it, a back of the envelope calculation suggests that McCain has spent $23M this year, more than any of his opponents.

Admittedly, McCain spent much of that money on ground-game organization (which as Justin continually reminds us is vital). It's not that the objects of McCain's expenses are frivolous or unworthy, but such expenditures make McCain's professions of fiscal discipline ring notably hollow. It begs the question: How can he reign in spending for the nation if he can't even do it for his campaign? How will he make the tough choices on federal spending?

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Regarding how McCain will reign in spending for a nation...he will do what he has done with his staff--fire most of the federal government and ask the rest to volunteer their time.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 9:34 PM  

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