posted by Anonymous | 2:52 PM |
For some incomprehensible reason,
Romney is catching press because pornography is available pay-per-view at Marriott hotels. Listen to this quote:
"'Marriott is a major pornographer. And even though he may have fought it, everyone on that board is a hypocrite for presenting themselves as family values when their hotels offer 70 different types of hardcore pornography,' said Phil Burress, president of Citizens for Community Values, an anti-pornography group based on Ohio."
Does anyone actually believe that statement? Is this guy for real? So far, I have read very little to nothing about what Romney said or did on the Board that would have related to pornography. This article says it didn't ever come up that he knows of. But what this person is saying is that even if Romney opposed it on the board, he is a hypocrite for merely being on the board!!! That is ridiculous. First of all, there is little a single board member could probably do, but this person is saying even if he tried?
Even if he hadn't tried though, as a board member, Romney had duties to the corporation. "'It certainly would have been wrong to impose his own personal beliefs if they were contrary to the financial interests of the company,' Marriott spokesman Roger Conner said of Romney."
This episode should actually be a lesson to those of you out there who wonder whether Romney would be dictated to by someone or if he would do what is in the country's best interest as President. Romney understands that elected representatives have obligations to their electors. When he ran in MA, he ran on the basis that he would fix the financial situation there and he told the voters he would not change abortion laws. When they tried to liberalize laws related to emergency contraception, cloning and other areas, he stood in the way. He stuck to what he had told them he would do.
Romney is on record as decrying pornography. He is on record as supporting the overturning of
Roe v. Wade. We can expect him to do what he has said he will do. He will stand in the way of those who would liberalize these laws. If you elect him, you elect him on the basis that he wants to continue leading society in a direction that respects life, women, family and that he will set aside his personal beliefs and be President based on that contract with us. This is much the way Reagan was. Reagan laid out beforehand what he intended to do when he was running for President. Much of this was different than what he had done in CA, but it was done on the basis of this is what you are electing me to do. Romney is the best kind of elected representative that way. You know you have someone who is competent, who is laying out what they want to do, who will continue sharing as much information as possible to show you where we are headed, and who will act in the country's best interest and not their own.
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