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Friday, July 6, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 11:42 PM | permalink
For you single issue voters out there, I'm beginning to think there is a strong argument that Romney is more pro-life than Fred Thompson. Somebody has to be lying about this because both accounts can't be true.

The question I want to ask Fred Thompson: Are you aware if any listening devices were used by your lobbying firm?

I sincerely hope no one who reads this leaks it to him before I ask it at an "Ask Fred Anything" event.
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Why do you attack Fred Thompson for doing what Mitt Romney also did concerning abortion? Mitt was elected to do the job he promised to do: He promised to protect abortion laws! Mitt did not let his personal views on abortion get in the way of his job the voters elected him to do. That is all that Fred was doing: his job. To be fair, you should let your readers hear from Mitt in his own words what he has done in his past for his Pro-abortion voters:

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 1:02 AM  

HRC -----
Nobody is attacking Fred Thompson, read the piece again.
Aside: I knew Fred Thompson was really old!! The caption under the photo date it at April 18, 200.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 8:05 AM  

The main reason why Romney backer point things like this out about FDT is two-fold--One, FDT supporters used the whole flip-flopping thing to criticize GMR for months while we tried to assure them that Fred was guilty of being pro-choice in tha past as well. This was to no avail. Second, and more importantly, GMR has been open and forthcoming about his change on the abortion issue from the time he changed to the present. FDT seems to deny he has ever been pro-choice in any way, much less offer an explaination to why he changed. We can't help but think that he believes his charisma will trump the facts in the eyes of the voters. I think not, Fred. Soon it will be too late to admit your past mistakes freely without looking like the worst kind of panderer. Good luck.

I posted this because the reality needs to set in on Fred Thompson fans at some point and I might as well help it along. I accept that Mitt Romney was once less conservative than he is now. However, he is still strong pro-life and an extremely accomplished person who I want running the country. The entire premise for a Fred Thompson candidacy seems to be some kind of bizarre claim to conservative authenticity. In reality, he was once less conservative than what people out there would like him to think of him as. In light of that, he is on equal terms with Romney when it comes to abortion (except for the fact that Romney has come to his position through experience that has solidified his position and is open about his change of heart). If Romney and Thompson are on the same terms when it comes to abortion, than even single issue voters should be looking to other issues and experience. Romney was a great executive in MA, he was a great leader in SLC, and he was brilliant as a businessman. Resume to resume, Romney beats the living crud out of Fred Thompson and frankly, every other candidate when it comes to actually running the country.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 5:50 PM  

This isn't getting better for Thompson:,0,54260.story?coll=la-home-center

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 6:01 PM  

I wouldn't pile on Fred. It could be that this story is false. Fred could be milking it for all its worth to generate a backlash.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 8, 2007 at 10:46 AM  

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