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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
posted by Mike | 2:06 PM | permalink
So this is the way of politics...

McCain cannot win in West Virgniia, so his surrogate requests that McCain's supporters vote for Huckabee in the second ballot:
Roemer, who represented McCain at the Charleston event, asked McCain boosters to support Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on the second ballot in order to block former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Of course there was no doubt, but the evidence rises that Mitt is running against two people, well more than, given Hunter's endorsement of Huckabee and Giuliani's endorsement of McCain.

Update: Rush just announced it and it was on the news at the half-hour, Huckabee wins West Virginia and gets ALL those delegates. This was after Mitt had 41% of the votes on the first round. Rush is now talking about this being collusion between McCain and Huckabee (The two campaigns deny this of course.), but Rush says that this merely confirms that a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain.

Mike B.
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This just shows that John McCain cannot win by himself. He has to have Huckabee's help in winning.
Unfortunately, it looks like he will have his help.
At lest McCain did not get the delegates.

Bring it on. I can't help but think this may be one of the very states that comes back to bite McCain in the hiney after all is said and done. Dirty pool is a dirty pool does.

I think I'm going to be sick.

This just confirms for me that should McCain get the nom, no matter who his running mate is, he will not get my vote. I am not going to rally around him just because he has a "R" by his name. I will write in Mitt or I will just stay home.

That being said, I still have faith and hope that McCain can be stopped. Hopefully the voters in my state of CA will pull through for Romney today.

Based on Huckabee’s win here, depriving McCain of WV delegates, could there be a scenario in which Huckabee ends up being a spoiler, not for Romney, but for McCain?

The New GOP Religion: Where Satan (Cain) and Jesus (the Huckster) are brothers! Two for the price of one. Destroying our party like Bill and Hill destroyed the Democrats. Romney in 2012 if all else fails, me brothers.

Well, the best part will be the look on the Huckster's face when (if) McCain names someone else for his veep. Then Huck will feel just like the prom queen the morning after prom when she realizes she got used....

Better McCain than Romney. McCain is far more conservative than Romney the flip-flopper.
Without Hunter and Thompson, there are no true conservatives, but McCain is the closest we've got.

two more:

there is no "West Virgniia"

your link goes nowhere. you're linking to nothing, so I can't see your evidence.

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