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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 1:06 PM | permalink

I know that caucus rules are a little different, but this seems to be a good start to the day at least.


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Naturally, because Romney won, WV is deemed by the MSM as "not an important state" so the only report we get of it is a graphic.

I think that Paul was pushed out, and now McCain. Down to Mitt and Hick and all of McCain's people are going to Huck. Comes down to Paul's folks; and I don't think Mitt will get that many of them.

He may not, however, I don't see them going to nanny-state Huck either.

WV is not done yet.
WV has a rule that the winner MUST win the majority.
Romney did not so it will now go to a second round with only Romney, Huckabee, and McCain on it.
The vote will then be among only those three.
If a majority is still not picked, then it will go to a 3rd round with only the top 2 on the list.
Eventually a majority MUST be picked.
This still looks good for Romney!!

...or the voting's not done and cnn's just posting a first ballot for some odd reason. That could be another reason for the lack of coverage. (A perfectly good MSM rant wasted due to that little "reality" thing. Darn)

I guess we'll all just have keep our fingers crossed.

Sorry, according to update the Corner, Paul voters are going in large numbers to Huck. That with the likely McCain voter switch will give it to Huck.

Apparently Paul folks, are genetically wired to vote for someone with no chance at winning.

Keeping my fingers crossed for Mitt today.

I'm eager to hear some results tonight and to hear about what happened in LA with the voting equipment. Drudge has a bit on it.

Rush just announced that the McCain forces have joined Huck's forces and Huckabee has won West Virginia. Rush also stressed "A vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain."

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