posted by | 11:01 PM |
Dole ignites new McCain-Romney feud - Decision '08- msnbc.comAs if it couldn't get any weirder, Bob Dole is suddenly, somehow, part of this race. This is just so bizarre, I can't even get my head around it.
What's even more ridiculous (and really quite sad) is that McCain tried to turn a truthful commentary by Romney on Dole's failed presidential bid into a personal attack on Dole's war record.
As if that had anything to do with a 2008 primary election. These gentlemen--heroes that they are indeed (I don't dispute that and I honor them for it)--are fighting the battles of the past. Long ago, terrible things happened to them, it's sure. None of us expects those wounds to completely heal. But if you claim to be running for the future of America, then by gosh, run for the FUTURE of America and leave the past in your scrapbook.
Romney rightfully defended himself by saying,
Referring to Dole as "an American hero, a war hero, a fine man and a great leader of our party," Romney told reporters: "I do not think highly of the mental set that says we should choose our nominee based on how many years they've served and how long they've waited in line."
Romney said the choice should be made on vision, values, energy, passion and the ability to change Washington, "and I think I win that battle."
That he does. Isn't that exactly what most Americans say they want, time and time again? I hope the electorate is not so easily swayed by the MSM's take on this latest dogfight.
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