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Sunday, February 3, 2008
posted by Mike | 11:48 AM | permalink
Why do we on the Republican side always seem to get saddled with the "interesting" candidates?
Back in December the polling for the Democrat field looked like this:
Hillary Clinton (35%)
Barack Obama (29%)
John Edwards (17%)
Bill Richardson (10%)
Dennis Kucinich (3%)
Joe Biden (2%)
Chris Dodd (1%)
Mike Gravel (0%)
None of these (1%)
No opinion (3%)
Here we are just two days before Super Tuesday with Republican goings-on illustrated by a recent poll in Texas (the only recent poll I have seen), which shows the following for the Republicans (The previous poll numbers are shown in parentheses.):
Mitt Romney 30% (11%)
John McCain 29% (24%)
Mike Huckabee 20% (26%)
Ron Paul 8% (4%)
Alan Keyes 3% (0%)
Undecided 10% (8%)
While the Democrats have now reduced their field to Clinton and Obama, on the Republican side Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, and Alan Keyes are all set to play spoiler, leaving one of the two least conservative candidates of the field with a “clear flight path to the nomination” as described by Michael Barone. Incidentally, the title of his article, “Republicans Unite; Democrats Divide,” is somewhat ironic, given the love-fest which was the Democrat Debate on Thursday night. As Clinton and Obama prepared to leave the stage, he was caught on camera whispering sweet nothings into her ear, with her smiling like a little schoolgirl. It was so cute...

In 1992 it was H. Ross Perot who kept George H. W. Bush from getting a second term, giving the White House to Bill Clinton. Now it is Huckabee, Paul, and Keyes, who can’t seem to bring themselves to leave the stage.

This is so very painful to watch.

Mike B.
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If McCain is the nominee - I am going to change parties and vote for Obama -
No way is Bill Clinton going to be in that White House again - and McCain is asking for a Coronation! He reeks of "entitlement"!

Pendry Boteler

I know this is kind of off-topic, but Romney won Maine and all it winner take all? Because the ABC page showing the results said it last updated yesterday at 9:35 pm EST, Romney was the projected winner at 52 percent, and he had 18 delegates and nobody else had any. Please confirm. That would get him a lot closer to McLame and might help undecideds going into Super Tuesday

If you think about it, Huck has been the spoiler for Mitt all along going back to Iowa. He basically came out of no where witha big boost of the MSM and no one had any oppo ready to go on him. Going back even further the media declared him the real winner in the Iowa straw poll last August.So it doesn't surprise me that he wants to stay on and play spoiler to the end. I believe he has a deep seeded anger about Romney's wealth. He brings it up in every interview. He's a very vindictive person which also came out a lot while he was governor of Ark.He often blackballed people that didn't agree with him.

I don't know how he's been able to stick around this long unless he's getting some money from the Mccain donors.

Al we can bank on at this point is rasmussen is showing some states closer than other polls and there will be a lot oflate breakers for Mitt.The other thing you can hope for is Mccain voters thinks he has it in the bag because of the big poll leads and stay home.Certianly all the polls coming out today were designed to demoralize Mitt's voters.

I'm not sure if Huckabee is staying in because he loves McCain or hates Romney more...

Here is a tribute to Huckabee and McCain, Birds of a Feather:

Meet the Press predictions: MA, UT, CO, AK, ND, and WV safe for Romney. AL, CA, GA, IL, MN, MO, OK, and TN no prohibitive favorite.

Spidey, let's hope that the MSM (including Fox News which I have quit watching altogether) lovefest for McCain and Huckabee lulls many likely voters into a sense of "he's way ahead, why should I go vote?"

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