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Monday, February 4, 2008
posted by jason | 10:58 AM | permalink
McCain's spending the day in Boston was originally supposed to look like a symbolic blow to Romney. While Romney was flailing around the country trying to pick up delegates, John and his Straight talk entourage would hang out in Boston and gnaw away at Romney's home town. I am sure there was a lot of high fiving and laughter when the McCain camp made this decision, but one thing is for sure, although McCain seems to want to give the proverbial finger to Romney, the voters in California and Georgia seem to be flipping it back.

The majority of McCain's campaign has revolved around his tough as nuts, tell it like it is personality. It's something America loves. Look to such movie Icons as Clint Eastwood and John Wayne for an example. Yet, as much as America loves an honest straight shooter, America also hates a bully. Look to movies like "Karate Kid" and "Some Kind Wonderful" for an example.

McCain has no chance of turning Massachusetts his way. The latest polls have Romney ahead by 25 points. While McCain lists a Massachusetts delegation of about 28 Massachusetts public figures, of which 3 are currently elected official, Mitt Romney releases a list of 75 elected and public figures who have endorsed his candidacy:

Massachusetts Republican Leaders Supporting Romney For President:

Elected Republican Leaders:

* Bill Weld, Former Governor
* Kerry Healey, Former Lt. Governor
* Donald Dwight, Former Lt. Governor
* Scott Brown, State Senator
* Robert Hedlund, State Senator
* Bradley Jones, House Republican Leader
* Fred "Jay" Barrows, State Representative
* Vinny DeMacedo, State Representative
* Lewis Evangelidis, State Representative
* Paul Frost, State Representative
* Susan Gifford, State Representative
* Robert Hargraves, State Representative
* Bradford Hill, State Representative
* Donald Humason, State Representative
* John Lepper, State Representative
* Jeffrey Perry, State Representative
* George Peterson, State Representative
* Elizabeth Poirier, State Representative
* Karyn Polito, State Representative
* Mary Rogeness, State Representative
* Richard Ross, State Representative
* Todd Smola, State Representative
* Daniel Webster, State Representative

Massachusetts Mayor and Sheriffs:

* Michael Sullivan, Mayor of Lawrence
* James Cummings, Sheriff of Barnstable County
* Tom Hodgson, Sheriff of Bristol County
* Frank Cousins, Sheriff of Essex County

Massachusetts District Attorneys:

* Tim Cruz, District Attorney
* Michael O'Keefe, District Attorney
* Elizabeth Scheibel, District Attorney

Massachusetts State Leaders:

* George Keefe, Former Adjunct General MA National Guard
* Oliver Mason, Former Adjunct General MA National Guard
* Steve Tocco, Former Chairman of the Board of Higher Education
* Kelt Kindick, Former Chief Financial Officer of Commonwealth
* Deb Shufrin, Former Director of Business and Technology
* Renee Fry, Former Director of Business and Technology
* Beth Lindstrom, Former Director of Consumer Affairs
* Jane Edmonds, Former Director of Labor and Workforce Development
* Tom Trimarco, Former Secretary of Administration and Finance
* Ranch Kimball, Former Secretary of Economic Affairs
* Stephen Pritchard, Former Secretary of Environment
* Ellen Herzfelder, Former Secretary of Environmental Affairs
* Tim Murphy, Former Secretary of Health and Human Services

Massachusetts Republican Leaders:

* Ron Kaufman, RNC Committeeman
* Jody Dow, RNC Committeewoman
* Christina Bain, Republican State Committee
* Ricardo "Ric" Barros, Republican State Committee
* Jeanne Boynton, Republican State Committee
* John Cafferty, Republican State Committee
* Christine Cedrone, Republican State Committee
* Brock Cordeiro, Republican State Committee
* Christopher "Chris" Fava, Republican State Committee
* Eamon Fennessy, Republican State Committee
* Danielle Fish, Republican State Committee
* Andrew Goodrich, Republican State Committee
* Marcy Haaland, Republican State Committee
* Ronald "Ron" Hastie, Republican State Committee
* Linda Jewell, Republican State Committee
* Kevin Jourdain, Republican State Committee
* Matthew "Matt" Kinnaman, Republican State Committee
* Robert "Bob" Magovern, Republican State Committee
* Barbara McCoy, Republican State Committee
* Edward "Ed" McGrath, Republican State Committee
* William "Bill" McKinney, Republican State Committee
* William "Bill" Nickerson, Republican State Committee
* Kimberly "Kim" Palmer, Republican State Committee
* Ellen Rooney, Republican State Committee
* Robert "Bob" Semonian, Republican State Committee
* Brian Shortsleeve, Republican State Committee
* Matthew "Matt" Sisk, Republican State Committee
* Susan Slade, Republican State Committee
* Cynthia Stead, Republican State Committee
* Michael "Mike" Sullivan, Republican State Committee
* Mimi Sundstrom, Republican State Committee
* David "Dave" Tuttle, Republican State Committee
* Jeffrey "Jeff" Wilson, Republican State Committee
* Shari Worthington, Republican State Committee

Over and over since Florida we have been told to step in line with the McCain camp. So much, it's laughable. But you know what? McCain has done nothing to make that possibility. Look to Wednesday's debate for the example.

The reasons so many conservatives can't stand McCain is his poke you in the eye and leave you with a wedgy attitude. At a time that McCain is supposed to be rallying conservatives, and being a gracious competitor, he instead takes the opportunity to play head games and take an ego trip. Good, let him. Because apparently while so many McCainiacs think it's cool, enough American's are asking why in the world would we want someone as vindictive and ego driven as McCain making trade deals and controlling our nuclear arsenal.

I make no predictions for Tuesday, but a McCain backlash seems to be gaining some traction.
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I love the "poke you in the eye and leave you with a wedgy attitude" comment... that made me laugh! Mostly because it's funny, partly because it is 100% spot on. Keep up the good work.

Go Mitt!

Listen up, ONLY a vote for MITT ROMNEY in Republican primaries is a vote AGAINST MCCAIN, a loser that is being aggressively imposed on us by the establishment and the “mainstream” media. By casting your vote on ANY OTHER candidate you will be helping MCCAIN to win the Republican nomination.

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