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Thursday, August 28, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 1:15 PM | permalink
Drudge is reporting that the name might be leaking tonight... so we've moved the countdown clock to "1".

Here's what I've heard today. I've heard that Pawlenty is the man and that Mitt is out. I've heard that Mitt is the man and that Pawenty is out.

Roll Call reports that Romney's sister's house in Michigan is being swept by Secret Service.

S.E. Cupp has a great piece on why Romney is the man.

This Fox News blogger like's Romney's chances.

My opinion: I put the odds at 50%. Romney makes a lot of sense on paper but McCain is just an unknown quantity.


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Drudge has Romney at about 50% on the online poll as well. Sure would be fun to have our horse back in this race.

Watching Fox News and KBH says if she had to bet the ranch, she'd say it was Romney

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