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Friday, August 29, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 1:55 PM | permalink
The notion being advanced by Obama's camp that Palin is less experienced than Obama is simply laughable and reeks of chauvinism. Time and time again, democrats have claimed to value women and now have the audacity to claim that she has less experience than him? She was raising kids when he was still trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Don't democrats value that experience? Not to mention her political experience. She was a mayor, how's that for "community organizing." Finally, serving as governor of a state is 100 times more important than serving as a Senator. Between her and him, I would pick her to run my business or my country any day. The problem Obama has with Palin is that she "gets it." She understands what life is about, has strong values, and will ultimately smash a ceiling that Obama denied Hillary Clinton the chance to. Palin is a fantastic selection and if that is the best he can do to try and dirty her up, bring it on Obama.
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Two quick observation.

First, the democrats say that this election is about understanding people in small town america. Yet their criticism of Palin is that she was the Mayor of a small town and this counts as 0 experience. So why do they disparage small town Americans as unqualified?

Second, it is interesting to watch as the media savages another women and throws Palin under the buss as a VP candidate while it celebrates a man with equal or less experience as a qualified presidential candidate.

I'm sorry Mitt didn't get the nod but I'm extremely happy with Sarah.I agree let the liberals and media savage her, it'll only backfire. She's one tough cookie.

Question. Has any presidential candidate ever announced his choice for Treasury chief before the election?

Anybody know why Mitt did not show up here in PA last night as scheduled for the McCain event? It was publicized that he would be there, but was a no show. Although if I got passed over for Palin I would be a little miffed too.

Anonymous, you did get passed over for Palin, but try not to take it too hard. :-)

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