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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
posted by Myclob | 6:37 PM | permalink
Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007


Former Sen. Bob Dole Questions Gov. Huckabee's Foreign Affairs

The No Laughing Matter!: A serious look at Gov. Mike Huckabee's record and policy beyond the one-liners. As in:

- Gov. Mike Huckabee: "And the ultimate thing is, I may not be the expert that some people are on foreign policy, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night." ("Imus In The Morning," 12/4/07)

- National Review: "The Holiday Inn Express Candidate." "In sum, conservatives should have worries about the depth and soundness of Mike Huckabee's foreign-policy views. And staying at a Holiday Inn Express is not going to be enough to allay them." (Editorial, "The Holiday Inn Express Candidate, National Review, 12/10/07)

"Dole Stings A Bee"
The Des Moines Register
David Yepsen
December 21, 2007

Bob Dole has sent Mike Huckabee a sharp letter rebuking the former Arkansas governor for criticizing Bush administration policy in Iraq in a recent magazine article.


The text follows:

"Dear Governor,

"I'm puzzled by your gratuitous slaps at the President in the January/February issue of Foreign Affairs. By the way, I have no special ties to President Bush and I'm not involved in any presidential campaign.

"Why have you joined the 'Bush bashers?' I know Iowans fairly well and doubt those attending Republican caucuses will appreciate your critical comments. President Bush gets more than his fair share of criticism from the other side and many in the 'mainstream' media. They all really must be heartened by your comments.

"As a veteran, I worry about the future security of the good people of Iowa and all other Americans. We are engaged in a global war on terror which will not disappear because you imply a willingness, without any preconditions apparently, to sit down with the enemy. Sure we can all find fault with President Bush and his Administration on policy matters and phases of the Iraq policy. I doubt however Iowans will applaud second guessing more than five years after the agony of 9-11, particularly since you have been either silent or supportive during the interim as far as I can determine.

"The Foreign Affairs piece is a perfect example of 20-20 hindsight, and wishful thinking in most instances. You make knotty foreign policy issues sound so easy if we would just change our ways. I never was a foreign policy expert though I followed it closely for nearly three decades under Democrat and Republican Presidents.

"The great majority of Americans regardless of party, place liberty, freedom and security as top priorities. I'm certain you do too but I am troubled about some of the statements attributed to you in the Foreign Affairs article.

"The administration is certainly not perfect, I cannot recall one, but I do not believe it should be your primary foreign policy target. We are a great, compassionate nation and I know you want to keep it so.

"To win in 2008 we need to multiply, not divide," Dole said.

He then joked in a post-script: "P.S. I lost the General in '96, so what do I know?"

To read the full article, please click here:

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Wow,what a scathing attack by Bob Dole on da Huckster. Hey Bob still open for VP??haha Go Mitt!!

Just for the record, Huck is currently earning his wings as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Hence the Huck surge) ..His foreign policy advisor is Richard Haas, president of the CFR.

Huck and Mitt are nothing more than CFR puppets.

And so is..

Fred Thompson
Rudy Giuliani
John McCain
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John Edwards
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Bill Richardson this video you will discover the agenda of these CFR candidates, and you'll find some pretty scary quotes from Huck's foreign policy adviser, and other prominent CFR goons.

It looks like the DR yanked the story. I noticed it was several days old yet I haven't heard one word about this in the MSM. Can you say cover up?

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