posted by Mike | 5:15 PM |
I would say that it is also more about what they are
feeling, at least for the campaign vets on the Democratic side. And that goes doubly for so many of the posts on blogs around the Web. Some of the mindless things said about Mitt are so lacking in substance that is clear that too many people are "feeling" and not "thinking." Reason seems to have disappeared for way too many folks out there!
Susan Estrich, who is often one of the more thoughtful Democrats I have seen,
wrote this on RealClearPolitics:
Huckabee? We should be so lucky. Romney? A Democratic dream. Rudy? What's happened to him? No, it's McCain who Democrats are watching and worrying about.
Yeah, right! It is clear to me that these folks are impressed with the person on the other side for whom only minor adjustments in their thought processes would enable them to vote for that candidate, despite party differences. There is no doubt in my mind that the least adjustment necessary would be with John McCain.
In case you have forgotten just how excited the Dems would have been to have had McCain for Kerry's running mate in '04,
read this piece from the
New York Times! The good news is that McCain had the presence of mind to say no. The bad news is that Kerry and many Dems thought this would have been a great idea. Somehow, I just can't see how a Dem favorite for their choice for VP should be considered a very good option for the presidential nomination of the Republican Party, despite war hero status and vaunted singlemindeness.
And for anyone who is worried about Estrich's "feeling" about the less than ideal opponents on the Republican side, please rest easy. Those who remain unconvinced and insist on wondering about how Mitt's resume will compare to Hillary's, please have a look at this cartoon:
Click here to see a larger of the cartoon.
See the Powerline link for the full story.
Lucianne via
Powerline So that is how it goes for Hillary, and it is hard to believe that folks could think that Obama and Edwards have a whole lot more to offer!
Mike B.
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