The media and Dems have plenty of dirt to throw at MCain. Of course they kept it all a secret until he got the nom.The lobbyists stuff is very troubling.He seems to have one hiding in every corner.My only hope is thee is some sort of coup at the convention and they throw McCain overboard and put Romney in.Yeah, I know, pure fantasy.The Dems can thwart the will of their voters with the super delegates,why can't we?
Call it a conspiracy but I really believe the Huckabee wing of the evangelicals orchestrated the raid on the Texas compound as a way to smear Mormons and keep Mitt from being the VP or down the road, the President.It's odd that a lot of laws were passed down there then all of a sudden they got a suspect phone call from someome inside and they still haven't found that person.We saw during the primaries,Huck going down there to a Catholic bashing Baptist church.He also attended a Mormon bashing convention in Utah in the late 90's. Hucks a bad person for the Republican Party.He exploits religion to appeal to a narrow minded base of the evangelicals.
Mitt said in this clip that McCain was not just another George Bush, saying of McCain that McCain:
"has not stood behind President Bush in every single decision of President Bush. In fact, he came out very early on and said that: 'Donald Rumsfield was the worst Secretary of Defense in the history of our Nation.' He vehemently opposed the way the war was being conducted. He's been an independent thinker, and he's been right."
Now, I have a couple problems with what Romney might be saying here. First, it sounds like Romney might be agreeing with McCain's absurd analysis that Rumsfield was the worst Secretary of Defense in the history of our Nation. Just because McCain and Rumsfield didn't agree on war strategy doesn't mean that Rumsfield is worse than any number of horrible Secretaries of Defense that we've had.
One of my problems with McCain is that he often says ridiculous statements like this. It's like his stupid comment that when he looks into the eyes of Vladimir Putin, he sees "three words: K-G-&-B." I'd hope that McCain would have more respect for popularly elected leaders of foreign countries who control nuclear arsenals comparable to our own. We don't unnecessarily need another Cold War.
We're glad that the troop surge has worked so far, and we all assume that going into Iraq with more troops may have been able to stabilize Iraq more quickly. But there were many reasons why we didn't go in with 500,000 troops to begin. The most important reason on my list for why we started with so many fewer troops in our invasion of Iraq was that we really did believe that Saddam Hussein had nerve gas and other chemical & biological weapons, had the missile technology to deliver these chemical weapons & we believed that he was also willing to use these weapons. Whether or not Saddam really had these weapons is still debatable, but he has used them in the past & one thing for sure was that with the types of weapons we were expecting Sec. Rumsfield wanted to limit the number of casulties as much as possible.
So, I know that Mitt wants to show that he's changed his tune in regard to McCain, but maybe this is one area that McCain needs to be a little more levelheaded & maybe something that we call "Presidential."
Spidey, I would not put it past the Huckabee supporters... But it is not the Mormons that are smeared. It is the FLDS Church and the reporters that tried to point their fingers at the LDS Church. Many of the reporters were hit so hard with responses that they are the ones that looked stupid. Read the blogs. People are learning that the FLDS Church is NOT the LDS (Mormon) Church. It has taken a long time, but it is happening.
Yes, that is quite a conspiracy theory that you mention. A lot of the new Texas laws regarding polygamy and the age of consent to marriage are new indeed. But many of them were laws that Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff went to Texas and lobbied hard to get passed in the Texas State Legislature. Although, I have no way to be sure that he's devout and loyal to his faith, Mark Shurtleff is indeed a member of the Mormon Church. I would doubt Shurtleff would purposefully sabotage his own faith or Mitt Romney's campaign. Shurtleff and Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard have been working very hard together in prosecuting very real crimes committed against children in the twin towns of Hilldale, Utah & Colorado City, Arizona.
Instead of acting in a methodical and responsible way, the State of Texas apparently used some anonymous phone tip from some Barrack Obama delegate in Colorado who is upset at the FLDS because of racist rants made by Warren Jeffs. She had previously done the same thing in making up phone calls of abuse in Colorado. Hopefully, the State of Texas didn't go too far and make much of the evidence that they acquired during their Texas raids inadmissible in court if it really did show wrongdoing at the FLDS ranch in Texas.
So Spidey, although Mike Up-Chuck-abee and his supporters are complete idiots and many of them are religious bigots, they had nothing to do with this whole thing in Texas, and even if any of them somehow did it would have been strictly coincidental.
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