posted by Anonymous | 2:41 PM |
Romney had a great showing on
Hannity and
Colmes last night. The transcript is
here. Video of the first segment is
here and video from the second segment is
here. My favorite part was this exchange where Romney parried (followed by a strong riposte) with Colmes:
COLMES: The word "elite" gets tossed around a lot. Republicans and deregulated industries who have helped create monopolies. They fought against labor unions. They've campaigned against a government net for the poor. They've tried to do privatize Social Security and you call the Democrats elites.
Is it possible that some of the issues I've just mentioned might show some elitists among the Republican side of the ledger?
ROMNEY: You know, I know every policy that conservatives espouse and fight for and Republicans are overwhelmingly conservative, those policies are designed to help the American people from the very poorest to the middle class. We don't think about how do we take away from some and give to others, we say how do we lift everyone in this great nation.
And every policy you've described — for instance, Senator McCain today said he wants to lower the corporate tax rate. Why is that? Because lowering the corporate tax rate will bring more jobs here, will build more businesses here. He's not worried about, you know, chief executive pay. That's not what's the concern he's going have. It's instead how do you build more jobs and keep companies from going offshore?
So his policies, conservative policies, Republican policies, are designed to help people from the very poorest and particularly those in the middle class who feel the real squeeze right now.
COLMES: Are you satisfied that people corporation of oil companies, for example, pay enough taxes? You know, Robert Reich used to refer to that as aid to defending corporations. Are you satisfied that — there are no loopholes that corporations jump through to avoid paying taxes that would help the economy if they paid them?
ROMNEY: I'm sure there are loopholes that the corporate accountants find. When I was governor of Massachusetts I went after these loopholes that were not intended to be put there by the legislature, and we took them out, and you want to make sure the people are following the rules, and not getting special breaks. But I don't want to tax corporations that provide jobs and build new factories and are doing research and development, I don't want to tax them out of existence, I want them to grow and thrive, particularly small businesses.
Don't forget, these tax rates are applied to the very smallest businesses. The pizza shops and the new software engineer firm. That's the place we want to see growth in our economy. We don't want those jobs to go elsewhere.
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