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Thursday, May 22, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 3:01 PM | permalink
The Journal has a piece up about Mitt today and excerpts of quotes from an interview with him.

I liked this part because I love the way he describes his decision making process...

On why he left the race on Feb. 7:

"You sit down with your team and you look at what the numbers are, you look at the upcoming primaries, what the prospects are, you talk about, 'Can we go to the convention? Would Mike Huckabee and myself and others have enough delegates that we can keep Sen. McCain from getting the nomination and end up going to the convention?' I mean you go through all the scenarios and one by one you say, 'Well no that one doesn't work, that's not realistic' and 'Oh, that one doesn't work, that's not realistic, we're not going to do well in that state' … You go through that kind of process and that's what led to our conclusion that it was very unlikely that I would be able to win the nomination given the success through Super Tuesday. Was it possible? Yes. Was it very likely? No."
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I read the whole interview and it was terrific. I do hope that Mitt will run for public office again, though. At the end of the interview he says that he doesn't think he will. That breaks my heart. America needs Mitt!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 22, 2008 at 6:34 PM  

I'm sure someone will notice this [this IS the main Mitthead blog :D], but according to the nonexistent MSM headlines, I'm sure it will pass unnoticed.

Romney launched a PAC yesterday/today.

It can be found here;

Even though I take Mitt's words on this at face value,I think his wife just said no more money.As an aside I am very happy the Texas Court of Appeals shot down the state from taking all these kids away without probable cause.There's tens of thousands of teen pregnacies who are perpetrated by older men in this country that never get prosecuted. This was a witch hunt by anti Mormon bigots who were trying to smear the whole religion.You can't prosecute over 400 mothers for what one or two did.If there's individual abuse then by all means you go after that person.There's probably a million other kids in Texas who suffer physical ,mental abuse and neglect who CPS should be looking after.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 23, 2008 at 4:57 AM  

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