According to a study by McKinsey & Company, New York (a stratigic business consulting firm)...
"..the U.S. is losing its advantage because of three main factors:
1. The American regulatory framework, particularly Sarbanes-Oxley, is "a thicket of complicated rules, rather than a streamlined set of commonly understood principles, as is the case in the United Kingdom and elsewhere."
Mitt Romney was not just a CEO, he was a CEO of a STRATIGIC BUSINESS CONSULTING firm, Bain & Company. This firm charges companies money, to tell these companies what they should do differently to improve their performance. The most qualified person in the country to help our economy would be the CEO or former CEO of a strategic business consulting firm like Bain, or one of its competitors such as McKinsey & Company or the Boston Consulting Group .
As far as I know Mitt Romney is the only CEO or former CEO of a strategic business consulting firm running for president of the United States. I defy anyone to tell me of someone more qualified to be president of our countries economy than a former CEO of a strategic business consulting firm like Mitt Romney from Bain and Company.
According to the study the 2nd main factors causing the US to loose its advantage is:
2. While New York offers a promising talent pool for its financial services work force, "we are at risk of falling behind in attracting qualified American and foreign workers."
I see two problems. Education and the ability to recruit talent from over seas. Romney is the only candidate who is making any sense on either of these issues.
See this site for Romney's record on education:
And here is just a small quote from Mitt Romney on the recruitment efforts of our country.
"Immigration has been an important part of our nation's success. The current system, however, puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America."
Governor Romney: "We need to make America more attractive for legal immigrants for citizens and less attractive for illegal immigrants. I want to see more immigration in our country, but more legal immigration and less illegal immigration."
(AP, June 23, 2006)
3. The legal environments in other nations "far more effectively discourage frivolous litigation."
What do all of the Democratic candidates have in Common? Hillary was a lawyer for the Rose Law Firm. Barak Obama worked for the civil rights law firm Miner, Barnhill & Galland. John Edwards was a personal injury trial attorney. Mitt Romney graduated cum laude from the Harvard law school, but he did not sell his soal to the law-gods. He made money the old fashioned way, he earned it. John Edwards is the king of frivolous litigation. He made his fortune through corporate negligence and medical malpractice claims. Edwards was criticized for paying himself mostly through subchapter S corporate dividends, rather than a salary, to take advantage of a tax-law loophole that allowed him to avoid paying $591,000 in Medicare taxes.
So who do you think will do better at "discourage frivolous litigation"? Mitt Romney, Harvard Law Degree (cum laude) but chose a business career, or Barak Obama the civil rights lawyer, or John Edwards the corporate negligence and medical malpractice lawyer?
Mitt Romney, the only candidate who has an MBA, let alone a Harvard NBA. The only candidate who has probably ever read the economist, or Harvard Business Review. Mitt Romney in 08!
~ Mike
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