posted by jason | 11:20 PM |

The moment has come. Mitt's Camapaign is
jumping up in the polls and taking off. MMM has the goal to provide the best cutting edge technology with great content so we can strongly influence the NetRoots community. One of the keys to a successfull Romney campaign is online support- it's free to give, and anyone can do it if you have a computer and an internet connection.
MMM has need of more team members. We are already a strong team with big goals, but are looking for more people to join in and help. Here are some of the areas we can use help in:
1. General Blogging
2. Tech Team (Web design, logo making, artwork, etc.)
3. MittBase (online Romney Data Base)
4. PodCasting
5. Live Blogging Romney events
6. College CR outreach
7. Mitt Academy
8. Any other innovative ideas you might have
If you want to help, email us at
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